(-: man i'm just full of good news :-)

Jun 03, 2005 22:34

great news: my parents and i went over to my grandparents house because their neighbor died and had this new car that the family needs to sell. its a 2002 buick rendevous and we're buying it!!! well, my mom is, i'm pretty sure that means i'm getting the minivan--- yesssss! so other people might want a nice, new car for their 16th bday, but i just want a semi-attractive car that runs. i'm not going to be some greedy person who begs to get a brand new 2005 something or other. as long as its not ugly. which the van is a nice shimmery purple, i've already named her Lucy!! so i just thought i'd update about the car situation in the hanson household, i thought my mom was going to wait until my birthday to get herself a new car because something would be paid off then and we wouldn't have the van sitting around all summer for no reason. apparently this deal was too good to pass up, we drove in the rendevous and its super new on the inside, verrry low mileage. i'm super geeked about this new car!!!

i haven't been feeling very well(allergies?) so i've been kind of grouchy. people are still being so loud and annoying around me. kind of makes me wonder if i'll actually hang out with them over the summer. maybe not as much as other plan... oh my, only two days left then the half days for finals!!! i'm so afraid to take them all. gah, the math takes a little bit of pressure off. not enough, but a little. i think this weekend will bring me and my world civ book a little bit closer. ahhh, this week will never be over...

OOOOOOH, i almost forgot! i got a letter in the mail from my doctor at duke saying i'm off restrictions b/c its been a year and my xrays show a lot of improvement!!!! goodness, its been almost two years since i broke my hip, thats two years without having the freedom to run, jump, or flat-out be a teenager. i've had to sit out for so many camps, activities, experiences just because of my reatardundo hip. well not anymore!!! thanks to EVERYONE who has held the door for me/ been there for me, thats like everyone pretty much. so thanks, it really meant the world to me :)
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