May 11, 2009 13:36
Made breakfast for the clan this weekend (my parents, my kid brother, and his gf), you know, for Mother's Day.
The menu flopped around and wouldn't let me pin it down for hours, but in the end I went with a version of Eggs Benedict (my first attempt at Hollandaise! A success!), some oatmeal muffins, yogurt with strawberries and granola, and potato pancakes.
My little brother brought dessert, which was fun.
A light breakfast, but done well enough I think! Now I have leftover dessert which I'm rationing for myself until H returns in a couple of days.
Hm... also, I realized this morning that I forgot to return my Queen Video rentals, DRAT. Must do that today, maybe rent another movie that I wanted to see. (Rented "Blindness" for myself and "Somewhere in Time" to plague a friend with).
Gaming was this weekend, and frankly I think it kicked ASS. All I have to say is... when a scene can keep a 12-year-old boy's attention riveted even though he's not directly interacting with it, I know I'm on the right track! WOO! Also, received awesome levels of praise on my storytelling voice in the last month. I didn't really think I had such a good speaking voice, but it reminds me of one contract from a few years ago, when I was conducting a very important training session for several locations over web conferencing, basically half-incapacitated with some illness that had me wearing my coat and shivering and slugging pepto bismol on breaks, but (as one of my colleagues advised me) nobody on the web meetings had any clue... only the few staff at the local office knew. She told me that if she ever needed someone to narrate the world's "2-minute warning" before Armageddon, she'd call to see if I was available. Hee.
How could I use this power for further good? Do story-recording for CNIB? Record works for Read bedtime stories for friends? :)