i am in an extremely good mood.
maybe it was that no doz i took.
someone told me it was bad for me.
another person didnt react to something
i thought was a breakthrough.
maybe it was the sleep that this said
person lacks right now.
i just plugged some wires into
my cd/dvd player..while it was plugged
in, i took a chance.
i am motivated to do work, but every time
i sit down to do it i can't, my mind
wanders into other little projects i
want to start, or that i have started
and haven't finished yet.
maybe i need to change my major.
or maybe not.
my favorite tv show is on tonight
but i dont know if i have someone to
watch it with.
maybe i will make a friend who loves
it too, that would be nice.
questions? comments? im not planning on
answering any. especially if they have the
potential to ruin my happiness.