My entry will have nothing to do with this but I GAVE COLDSTONE MY 2 WEEKS NOTICE!

May 29, 2005 02:02

Why is it that the radio can be so comforting when you're alone? Especially at night. Even though it's just a recording or a cycle most of the time, I really like to think that someone is up at the same time as me and is talking to me/ choosing a song just for me. But it takes a special kind of alone to appreciate it. It's the kind where you don't really have any extremely happy or sad thoughts in your head. You feel okay, even really okay, but your thoughts just aren't very adequate or eloquent. You can't connect with any mood CD that you have, because your mood wouldn't match any of them. Because I've definitely had those times of elation and depression that require certain songs. But sometimes, I think you really have to let someone else do it for you. Then it might be possible for you to find your mood in their selections. But tonight, it was enough for me to think that someone else was awake with me.
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