Jul 20, 2007 16:59
: i'm having fun in seattle. my aunt is one of the most amazing beings i've ever met. so inspiring. so much fun. we've been to a number of museums, and have drank lots of starbucks.
: i'm writing more. and by more i've written two poems in the past 2 days. which is better than i have been doing the past 2 years.
: i really had missed the butterflies. i'm glad to have them back again.
: still working through my shit. still trying not to cry everyday.
: seattle has a shit ton of vegan food places. it's so overwhelming to have more than 3 choices.
: i really want to move to seattle. anybody want to come?
: i met a guy who wrote people's names on pieces of rice for a living. i wrote a poem about him. he hit on me and wrote my name for free on a piece of rice. a heart followed my name.
: today it rained all day. we went to a japanese art museum and a conservatory. my aunt and i took a series of pics of us pretending to eat different flowers. or using diff. flowers as hats, or as moustaches, or as hair. we couldn't stop laughing. we have too much fun together.
: lists are cool, right?
: how does everybody feel about going to 80's night next thursday? anybody? and also, is anybody else going to the shy guise/edward blake show next friday? anybody want to?
loving you. loving you. loving you all over and over and over.