In medieval Flanders, Frank and Fidelia's father has brought up a black girl, Tigrana, abandoned as a baby by gypsies. Frank is in love with the beautiful Tigrana who, like Fidelia, is attracted to Edgar. Once more Tigrana has spitefully denounced Frank, but when she leaves, her spell continues to enslave him.
Questo amor, vergogna mia, This love- my shame-
io spezzar, scordar vorrei; I should want to break off, to forget;
ma d'un'orrida malia but of a terrible enchantment
sono schiavi i sensi miei. my feelings are slaves.
Mille volte al ciel giurai Thousands of times I swore to
di fuggirla, heaven to flee from her,
e a lei tornai! and I came back to her!
Ella ride del mio pianto, She laughs about my weeping,
ed io, vil, col cuore infranto, and I, wretched, with my heart broken,
ai suoi piedi mi prosterno. humble myself at her feet.
Ella ride del mio pianto; She laughs about my weeping;
del mio sdegno si fa scherno. she makes fun of my disdain.
Ed io, vil, col cuore infranto, and I, wretched, with my heart broken,
ai suoi piedi mi prosterno. humble myself at her feet.
E lei sola io sogno, And only her I dream about,
bramo! I desire!
Ah sventura! Ah, misfortune!
Io l'amo! L'amo! I love her!- love her!