Jan 18, 2006 11:12
Alright, here goes.
I really can't remember :/
Someone let me know if anything happened plz.
Memory for thursday? Blank.
School was alright.
I went straight to town after school to meet Amy.
We did some shopping 'cause she needed an outfit for saturday night.
&then we came back to my house to hang out.
&I got my Christmas present from her :]
A big poker set in this like, silver briefcase.
It's hot.
&people saw 'Jarhead' without me.
So I need to try to see that sometime next week or something.
Had an awesome night anyways though :]
Went driving some in the morning then got to drama for 11:20am.
It was fun :]
Afterwards I was gonna go driving again for a while longer but Mike's Micra had the windows smashed in this morning so we had to go to my house to clear up all the glass & stuff.
After that I went to Damon's to meet people there but I wasn't there long [they'd like, already finished] &we went back to drama [people had their reasons].
I stayed at Chris' for a time &then the plan was to go bowling for 6pm.
So we get there.
&we got knocked back from the place.
A bowling alley.
We can get into like, any bar/club/whatevz anywhere.
But we came in &they asked for age, right?
&apparently Nick answered 16.
They were like, you need a responsible adult.
So Skels is like, I'm over 18.
&they're like, I.D.?
So he shows his school card clearly stating his age.
Plus he hardly looks 14 does he?
But yeah.
They're like, we need a driving license or passport.
Nick: Who the fuck brings their passport around with them? Especially to a bowling alley!
So yeah.
We walked around a little bit & then decided to go back to Fay's.
So waiting for a bus, Nick decides to call his mother &so me, Amy, Nick & Fay could get a ride back &arrive faster than the others.
But before the others arrived, Amy, Nick & I had already got in our taxi on the way to Rebecca Achilles' party.
That was fun :]
Mostly talked with Amy, Nick, Chip, Louise & Sally.
Didn't get drunk at all really.
We left at like, 1am or something I think :/
Amy stayed over :]
Amy had to leave real early to get home for her chemistry lesson.
So I saw her off & all &then fell asleep for like, four hours.
Later on, at like, 7pm, I went to Nick's to play with my new poker set [thx Amy].
I ended up winning :]
Fun night.
School was alright.
I decided to cut last class [it's an after school one after all]
&headed home
then straight out to 'The Patio' [this restaurant just off Allerton Road]
See, my brother's friend's father owns it, &my brother's friend [Dave] like, runs it.
So I get to the place &the door is like, the front door to a house, but it's bigger.
I rang the doorbell ¬hing happened.
&the blinds at the windows are all down &it's like, impossible to tell whether it's open or not.
So I go next door to the flower shop.
&they're all, "yeah, there's usually people in there eating at this time. Just keep trying; they usually take a while to answer".
So I waited for like
10 mins.
&was all "f this" [Hm. Amber moment there...]
&then I got the bus &went to Amy's house :]
Stayed there until 10pm.
It was fun :]
Turned out I wasn't able to go see Amy after school 'cause Nikki had told their mother that Amy wasn't going to go.
So that sucked.
So I told Chris, Matthew & Nick to come over to mine to play some poker.
&then it turned out Amy was able to come over for like, 3 hours :]
Watched the O.C. at 9 of course.
Fun night.
Then I was on the phone to Amy from like, 1am to 2:30am
mostly about her wanting me to consider going to uni.
Still don't think it'd be worth it.
But I asked her to bring over prospectuses anyways on Friday.
So yeah.
Wednesday morning
I went to the Doctor's surgery this morning for my physio check-up.
She told me to just keep doing the exercises [I keep like, forgetting a lot]
&then I went to see the Doctor about my eczema & I got some diff. cream & moisturiser.
&I'm still debating going in for English class.
It's only one hour.
&it's a stupid homework I've got to do for it.
I don't know enough on it to write an article or whatevz.
[yes. I know I'm slipping & all, Amy. I'll like, do other homeworks when I get them, k?]