May 24, 2006 19:08
I'm tired and hungry, my knee hurts and pretty soon I will get to see the greatest season finale ever (according to JJ Abrams). Of course I'm talking about LOST. One of the greatest shows EVER!!! My big prediction (and totally off the wall) is that Walt will kill Michael, whether accidental or on purpose I'm not sure, but there you have it. I'm not sure what else I can predict. It's pretty hard with this show. Oh how I will miss it over the summer, but hopefully Nip/Tuck will come back soon and I will have another witty smart ass to drool over every week. I recently bought the soundtrack for the show.
In other news I saw the Da Vinci Code and I was pretty satisfied. I read the book about 3 yrs ago so I don't remember it verbatim, but it seemed fine to me. I thought Tom Hanks was wonderful and I don't understand why people are ripping him a new one over this movie. Ian McKellan was awesome. Can't wait to watch me some Wolverine this weekend. Also more Ian McKellan. I already knew they were doing a Wolverine movie for 2007, but I read to day that they are also doing a Magneto spin off as well. Bring it on!!!
I found out on Monday that I am having surgery in 3 weeks on June 15th. I have had a sinus infection for over 6 mos. I have a deviated septum and swollen sinuses. I had to have another cat scan done and everything. That's all I can think of right now. For some reason my work computer is blocking livejournal, but will let me use myspace. I think myspace bought them off or something... So I'm having to look at it from home right now.
P.S. Heidi, that comment that was sent to you was meant for Cristiana. I thought I responded to one of her blogs. Ooops.