Nov 07, 2006 11:26
It's good to know that at least 1/6th of our government will be controlled by an opposing party. Even if our government accomplishes little in the coming two years, it'll feel better than constantly having our rights eroded by a more efficient monarchy. CNN's coverage this evening was very interesting, and even though we've heard most of the discussions before (with the names changed), they still manage to make it look classy.
I went home last night and voted this morning, using the fully touchscreen-based system that I've used in the past. If my only knowledge of these systems was the experience I've had in person, I would have no real reason to doubt their security and safety. However, my recent exploration into the subject has left me pretty disheartened about the hardware that we use, which is the topic of my editorial to be published this Friday in the 'nique. Those of you who watched the HBO video I mentioned earlier will already know some of the things I'm planning to mention.