Title: Possession of the Heart: Part 2
Rating: PG13
Summary: A love is tarnished.
Quotes/What I needed most was to love, and to be loved, eager to be caught.
Happily I wrapped those painful bonds around me; and sure enough, I would be lashed with the red-hot pokers or jealousy, by suspicions or fear by burst of anger and quarrels-St. Augustine
Authors Note: Part One
here --
Alice knew that Edward was right and that she shouldn’t intervene in Jasper’s future, but she couldn’t quite help herself. Besides, Edward was occupying himself with his piano and some silly song…it wasn’t as if their was anyone to stop her from it.
She smiled, settling back onto the couch that rested against the wall of her and Jasper’s room, and closed her eyes, waiting for a vision of Jasper to come to her.
She stayed like that for a few minutes until….nothing. Not one thing. She could have screamed, so that was why Edward was so perfectly happy to leave her to her own devices; he knew full well she couldn’t get a vision of Jasper if she liked.
Jasper never went home. He couldn’t bear Esme’s pity for his pain, or Alice’s attempts to comfort him, most of all he couldn’t bear the thought of Edward delving into his mind and discovering every ounce of heartache and rejection that he felt.
No, going home was currently not an option. Not when Jacob Black had just torn his heart out and ripped it to shreds, not when people could see the way he felt. He would not return until he had a proper façade.
Instead, he would stay here, in the forest, and wait it out. He would hunt until the pain dulled down to almost nothing.
Jacob Black did not fall asleep that night--at least he didn’t think that he had ever fallen asleep during that tumultuous night, until of course, he found himself being shaken awake roughly by his father, sharp rays of harsh yellow sun beating through his still open window.
He mumbled something unintelligible, hoping it resembled something along the lines of ’Sick. No school.’
“Up!” Billy gave him one last shake, gnarled fingers wrapped around his shoulder. “I want you out of bed, and in that kitchen in twenty minutes.”
Jacob groaned, and could hear the wheels of Billy’s chair against the grain of the floor, exiting his room. The more his brain awoke, the more he was reminded of last night. As that happened, he thought about how he’d like for his brain to hit reverse and shut down. The last thing he wanted to think about was last night.
About how even thinking the name Jasper Hale made his heart skip a beat.
“I don’t hear movement in that room, Jake!” He heard his dad holler clearly from the kitchen.
Jacob grumbled, movement…he’d give him movement. He’d move right out of the door, straight off to English and take a nap.
Alice didn’t like it when the sun arose, and Jasper hadn’t returned.
“Jasper should be back home by now.” She said to Edward.
Edward agreed. Jasper should have been back long ago, long before the sun had risen. He knew that Alice knew that as well. It was the voicing of her fears that no longer allowed him to ignore the worried voice in the back of his mind.
“And you should have told me that I couldn’t get a vision of Jasper’s future when he is with him.” Alice accused, the frustration getting the better of her when she knew that Edward was as concerned as she was.
Perhaps he should have, he didn’t imagine that it would have gone badly though. He had seen Jasper’s thoughts. He was excited, he had felt in himself the feelings that Jacob had for him, and he was so happy. He was certain that Jacob loved him as he did. It had brought his brother a great deal of joy.
Edward swiveled around on the couch where they both sat, and faced her now.
“Try now,” He urged her, “See if you can get a vision of him now.”
He’d already decided that if she couldn’t, or if she didn’t, it would be time to go to Carlisle. He might not be thrilled about their consorting with werewolves--he knew his father’s concern was for their safety, and only that--but he would know how to have Jasper safely returned.
Edward knew that if any of their kind had harmed his brother, it would be over. They would tear the dogs to shreds for harming a member of their family.
For Jasper would not have provoked them. He knew Jasper had no such intentions, his only intentions had been for Jacob.
“Anything?” He asked desperately, perhaps he shouldn’t have encouraged Jasper so to search for what brought him happiness--for Jacob.
“Nothing.” Alice’s voice barely breached a whisper.
“Carlisle.” He told her swiftly rising.
“Carlisle.” She agreed.
Jacob growled, quite unfriendly when he felt his chair being given a swift quick, jarring him out of a dream that had been free of werewolves, free of vampires, and best of all, free of the undying need for Jasper Hale.
But now he was awake, and once again, could only see the face of that fucking vampire who had twisted him into this tangled mess that he was. The worst part of it was, as much as he tried to hatehatehate the vampire, he couldn’t. He ached for Jasper’s arms around him.
He shook his head, trying to focus on the immediate annoyance. Jacob swung his head around and looked at Quil, “Dude, what? I was asleep.”
Quil rolled his eyes, “Sorry diva, for saving your ass. Kinuet is taking rounds, she finds you sleeping at your desk again and that lazy ass of yours is grass.”
Jacob managed to mumble something that hopefully resembled a ‘thank you.’ It was difficult though, because he couldn’t feel especially thankful for anything right now, not even an afternoon free from detention. Not when he had this heavy weight sitting on his chest that would not cease.
He needed him so badly. The very last person--last thing, that he wanted to want, was the one he wanted.
He wasn’t foolish. He was militant, and precise.
Jasper was often careful to try and mask his scent, but now he was fixated upon hiding himself away from anyone who may come looking for him. More accurately, he was exceptionally careful that his family, whom he knew would search for him in time, would not find him.
He didn’t want to be near anyone now. Not his family, and certainly not Alice. She knew him better than anyone, ever. She was his other half, his best friend, and he could bear to let her see the way he felt now.
It was too embarrassing, he had been so sure that Jacob loved him. He had been so sure that Jacob was his other half in all the ways that Alice never could be.
Worse than that, she had been sure. She had pushed him, telling him that she had seen them.
….happily ever after, Jasper.
As her words flashed through his mind, he was furious with her. She had to push him, she had so clearly been wrong, and yet she pushed him to Jacob.
And Edward, of course. Pushing him to find what made him happy. Like his brother would know about such things.
He felt foolish, and worse, hurt. He had sworn he would never leave himself so exposed to being hurt in such a way again…
Never matter. It wouldn’t happen again.