May 03, 2004 18:19
Okay. All the Pat Tillman stuff. Why is he such a big hero? Yeah .. He made a lot of sacrifices to serve our country, I'm sure he was a great guy ..
However, I'm sure all the other men and women that have served our country and died for us were pretty good people too.
What about the 22 year old boy that jumped on a grenade to save the lives of the rest of his crew the other day? Will he get this big of a memorial and as much attention as Pat Tillman?
Probably not, because he wasn't a big sports star or a big celebrity before he went over to serve his country. He was just a normal kid, not very long out of high school ..
I just get bent out of shape about things like this. Every man and woman over there is a hero, not just one here, or one there .. Not just a football player, or a former cheerleader, or track star .. They should all get the same amount of respect and attention as everyone else, in my humble opinion.
/end somewhat of a rant
In other news I have a stalker at work. Everytime he comes in there when I'm working, he follows me around flirting with me, and sometimes saying awful things to me. Today our mens fitting room was full of tuxes from proms over the weekend, so he had to come to the fitting room on my side of the store, which is a womens fitting room. I told him to go on in the back and no one would bother him or come in there or anything .. Went and opened the door for him, let him in, and turned to walk off .. He .. NO KIDDING .. Looked at me and said "You're not coming in with me?" I was like .. NO!? And walked off really fast to one of my co workers .. I was freaked out .. He'd never said anything like THAT to me before, and quiet honestly he scares me. Even after he came out of the fitting room I was standing with two other coworkers and he came over out of their sight and kept sayin "hey girl, hey girl!" .. I finally turned around and he wanted me to help him hang up the pants he had just tried on .. Like he couldn't do it himself! While I was doing this, he was staring holes through me, and finally said .. "You got a boyfriend?" I said "yes, as a matter of fact I do, and I have been with him for three years." He looked at me for a minute and was like "I kind of figured that, as pretty as you are." I just smiled and said "Yeah" and walked away .. This guy has got to be like 40 something .. I get terrified every time he comes in there, and I'm scared to death I'll see him out somewhere when I'm by myself and he'll do or say something to me. Ugh! =\
Gonna go for now ...
Love & Blessings