Nov 28, 2006 14:30
k im doing the good last in hopes it will un bum me out
-my mom is controlling my life like im a 12 year old she honestly needs to back the hell off
-i need a car.. i cant go anywhere
-college??? ahh
- ex bf has a new freshmen gf... uggggggggg kill myself
-sats in december
-money for an apartment
- found out something really shitty that went down behind my back, i asked the person about it and they denyed it but recently i found out what seems to be right on vivid information from what i believe to be a relaible source.. if its true its gonna be heartbreaking...
- im going to kick a certain persons ass.. but for good reason this person has been fuckin up my shit for like 2//3 years now? so yea gonna kick there asssss which btw is very unlike me
- went on about 3 dates.. which ended like shit because holy god guys are giant sex machines that dont know shitttt
- finally got my motha fuckin LICENSE
- work is bearable
- going sky diving to releave my stress
- gettting my tattoo in april
- almmmmmost got kissed today.. almost.. almost
- my friends are rad.. well most of them anyway