picture update from Florida..*sigh* i miss it..and i miss you..a lot..
Type your cut contents here.
First thing when i got there and out of the airport
Me and My Baby..err...Christopher
Pretty thingy on the beach!
gosh it was so pretty..i can't wait to go back..
yuck i look sick..but he look so cute..god i love him..we were on a ride thingy (look below to see what we were on)
it was fun..
<3...? look at the ocean!
bear and christopher
yeah that was a mall..not many stores cuz its brand new..but it was freakin amazing!
Us goofin around on like a $40,000 boat..it was also freakin amazing! also at the mall
Vans skate park in the mall? what? yeah...it was crazy..and on the other side was a bike thingy..
Ron Jons!!
the best way to end my trip..i love you so much chris..and im sorry that things turned out the way that they did. <3
and thats all..had another picture but its being gay and wouldn't work..over all i had a blast on my trip and i dont want to be back..i want to be back down there with Chris..i miss him so much already..