Pretending (Prologue/?)

Jun 12, 2011 18:55

Title: Pretending
Pairing(s): Eventual Faberry, brief Fabrevans, Finchel friendship, some Brittana
Length: 801
Rating: PG-13 for now
Spoilers: All of both seasons, just to be safe
Summary: Quinn loves Rachel, Rachel loves Quinn. But neither of them want to confess their feelings. Will they ever have a happy ending? A Faberry twist on the song "Pretending" from Nationals. 
A/N: This is a test fic. It popped into my head and I wrote it when my computer died. It's been saved on my iPod for a while and now I have a computer again. So if it's not good, please tell me. I don't want to waste my time on a bad fic. Thanks. Enjoy!

     I don't know when or how it happened, but one thing is for sure. I love Rachel Berry. No, not in the "oh, she's my best friend! I love her so much!" way. The "holy crap, she's hot. I want to kiss her face off." way. But I'm Quinn Fabray. Kissing Rachel's face off would lead to the destruction of everything that I've worked for.
    It hasn't been easy holding down my feelings. Every time I pass her in the hall, I have to fight the urge to push her against the locker and- Well, let's just say we would probably get suspended for it. Oh, and when she accidentally brushes her skin against mine (it happens quite a lot), I forget how to breathe. It doesn't help that we're forced to sit next to each other in Chemistry, making us permanent partners for the year. Sometimes I think she puts her arm against mine on purpose.
    I've tried to get rid of the feelings. That's the only reason I agreed to date Finn Hudson. It's also the reason I got drunk with Noah Puckerman and got pregnant. There's something with Sam Evans, but it didn't compare to Rachel. But then again, nothing could.
When Finn left me after he found out that Beth wasn't his and started dating my favorite brunette, I wanted to punch him. It was hard to watch. It was worse when she dated that asshole Jesse St. James. Then she ran back to Finn about a million more times.
    We have that in common. Always wanting someone to call our own. Well, I just want someone to distract me from undressing Rachel with my eyes. Damn those short skirts of hers. And it's like she's begging me to rip those ugly sweaters off of her. There are days where she'll refrain from her horrible outfits and wear something more.. normal. Not that I don't think she looks bad in her usual sweater, short skirt, knee highs, and flats combo. I think she always look adorable, cute, gorgeous, stunning, sexy.. I could go on for days. Possibly years.
    Anyway, I like it better when she doesn't wear the combo. Normally it's a short dress that stops three quarters down her thigh. They show off just enough of those amazing tan legs. Oh, her legs.. She's only five-two (at the most) and yet those legs run for miles. And they are wonderfully toned. I could ramble (wait, that's all I've been doing) on and on about her entire body or just Rachel in general.
    To sum up, Rachel Berry is everything I want but can never have. There are many reasons for this. One being the fact that she doesn't feel the same way. Two, my reputation would be ruined completely. Three, I'm the daughter of two very religious people. But those reasons haven't stopped me from thinking what it would be like. I'll probably always think about it and in the future, I'll come to regret never taking a chance and seeing what would happen.
    People may think I'm just that girl who chases after Finn Hudson, but I'm very much the opposite. I'm the girl who wants Quinn Fabray more than I want to meet Barbra Streisand. And  if you knew me at all, you would know that I'm obsessed with Barbra.
    Yes, I do tend to follow Finn around like a puppy begging for attention, but it's not what it looks like. Finn and I are.. Well, friends. He knows how much I love (yes, I do love her) Quinn and has been very supportive. There was a time when I pictured myself with him, but it ended when a certain blonde entered my life.
    Usually I would express my feelings for someone (Finn, Noah, and Jesse are excellent examples of that) but with Quinn it's different. Mainly because if I tried to show her that I love her, she'd slushie me for the rest of my high school career.
    Don't get me wrong, I fully believe in taking risks when it comes to love. Romance is a beautiful thing and I long to be part of it. But I can't just go up to Quinn and tell her everything. I would definitely need some sort of plan first.
    Not that I'll actually partake in any scheme I come up with. This is Quinn Fabray after all. I know for a fact that she likes boys and boys only. Also, she's very religious. The possibility of her having mutual feelings doesn't exist. So I choose to suffer daily and dream about what it would be like if she loved me. Maybe in the future, when I'm on Broadway, I'll look back on my high school days and regret never attempting to win Quinn over.

rachel/quinn, new fic!, glee, faberry

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