Mar 27, 2005 20:28
this weekend was awsome!i went to the show on friday with Kari, Carly, Jodi, and Jessica! i crowd surfed! lol it was SO much fun! i have to thank megan for holding my shoes while i did it! lol lov u meg!(shes a bad ass girl!)
(see cassy's lj or kairs lj for pic of me crowd surfing!)
then saturday i helped my mom with my cousins wedding shower we had here hmmm fun...then she brought me to ryan and i hung out with eveyrone there and we went to Masars and stuff great time! TOSSED SALAD! lol
and now SUNDAY! EASTER! chalee spent the ngiht last ngiht so we woke up and my mom got me and her easter baskets! yay lol so we hung around here for a while then went to meijers with her mom and that was a blast! we got 2 bead kits that were like for little girls but they were SWEET! and we went back to her house and made braclets and necklaces and earrings all day! hahha lol good times and we canlt forget the egg hunt we had! that was fun then jackie, tori, ryan, and mark came and we all went to starbucks and then i came home had dinner took a shower and thats about it!