[The video cuts on early in the morning in front of the make-shift shrine to Pluto she's been putting up. She's quiet a moment, kneeling, before moving to stand.]
[It's been a while for her that she's been up.]
December 17th, I never thought I'd see this day again... I guess I can count this one.
[Glancing at the PCD, she gives a soft smile.]
So... What does everyone do for birthdays back home? Camp--we go by the Roman way, so the sixteenth birthday's important. [She shrugs her shoulders and glances up towards the shrine, the last part coming out in whispered, fluid Latin:] Praesent vitae neque quasi mille annis, sed sicut in ultimum diemvivere.
[She grabs up her sword before speaking.] Oh. It's silly, but I was wondering... Gods, do they exist for any of you?
[Filtered from Luca]
Luca's entry.]
He's new and young. His birthday... it's in three days. Would anyone be willing to help me do something for him?