it must be a grownup thing. do your parents keep the thermostat at 62? I am contemplating giving them fifty dollars and saying, "hey, can I keep it at 68? just while I am here?"
ok, no complaining, no talking about boys. NO WHINGEING. that's my new favorite word. I guess it's British, since they say it in Harry Potter, which I just reread number five of for the third time.
I called in to work today in an attempt to fend off this lung thingy. The biggest curse of being a December baby is the inevitable birthday bronchitis. There's also the exams and papers due on Birthday thing (poor poor Jenessa) as well as the "we combined your birthday and xmas gifts to save on postage" thing (poor Chad).
I want to play spin the bottle on saturday. I never actually have.
Also, murder in the dark. and MAO. because it is MY birthday and Mao is the singular most annoying yet fun card game of all time.
also i dreamed about swimming to an island where they were having a naked beauty contest in the lagoon/atoll thingy and all of midtown was there. sort of like if the deli had no roof and was half underwater and if laurel and hillary were mermaids.
woke up with big fat Spikey cat on my feet. when you pet him he makes funny little noises in his throat like he's trying to talk with his mouth shut.
it's cold. i need to go to the drug store for cough syrup.
i get paranoid sometimes about this stupid thing and think maybe i really should just write in a blog from now on. it's proabbaly just PMS and the cold.
happy friday.