[Not one too fall into the same routine for too long, today was a day where he wanted to shake things up. With Luceti Land ending just a few days ago, Red was pretty bored and the recreation centre wasn't cutting it. At least, it was without his friends. Lazily flipping through the journals in hopes of seeing a familiar face, his search ends up futile and he contemplates on making his own entry. ... But of what? Taking his sweet time to decide what to say, he'll decide to get something off his mind that had been holding him thinking for quite a while.]
Hey, so... I've been curious. Is there anyone here that's familiar with Pokémon?
[It seems Pika, his
Pikachu, takes that as a cue to prop himself on Red's head, peeking nosily into the feed. If one looks carefully, they may even see small sparks of electricity coming from its cheeks.]
They're everywhere back in my world; coming in all types and shapes. It's kinda weird not seeing 'em around that often any more because of that, and to most people they're partners or a friend.
[Of course, he already had several months to grow accustom to it, but he could never shake off how odd it felt.]
But even if you don't know about 'em, that kinda leads to something else I've been wondering about. What do you think is the best part of your world? It's always interesting hearing about other worlds, so if you don't mind telling, I wouldn't mind listening.
For me, it's these guys. [He makes a gesture towards the Pikachu, along with his two other partners-in-crime in the background.] I grew up with 'em around me, I'd hate to imagine what it'd be like without 'em.
[Content with his feed ending there since he got his message across, he shuts his journal with a grin. Since he hadn't done anything remotely productive yet, he might as well squeeze some training in, or something. Those in the village area might be able to spot him running several laps around it; his Pokémon trailing behind. Feel free to join him! Afterwards, he'll be taking a break by the fountain area to check up on replies and on water -- whipping up a message that came to him while on that run. It's short and prompt; knowing them, they'd probably appreciate it that way, too. ]
[Written // Filter to Silver and Mewtwo]
Are any of you guys free today?
(( OOC: Feel free to break the fourth wall! ))