Post-Coital Discussion

Apr 24, 2008 06:43

Patient: Dean Winchester
Fandom: Supernatural
Word Count:: 1,120
Partner: Katie [The First], Cassie Robinson [Canon/that-wasthen], Carmen Porter [Canon/ihvlowstandards], Lisa Braeden [Canon], and Joanna Beth Harvelle [huntersdaughter].


"Took you long enough to recognize me, Dean," she said with a tiny smile playing at her lips. She did like him.

"It's not time yet," he protested immediately, fear tickling behind his eyes. She could feel it slipping and sliding over him like a cold sweat, could taste the sharp chill on her tongue. "I've-"

"Still got twenty three days, five hours and seven minutes left," she finished for him. "I know. I'm just visiting. Acclimating you."

Last time he had been all rolling anger and resent bubbling across the surface, fear was an undertone, an aftertaste that left her licking her lips for more. This time the fear was nearly overpowering, the regret and understanding like tiny flower candles trying to lend warm to the cold.

He raised an eyebrow at her in question and she just smiled back at him, fingers leaving her hips to smooth down the front of her dress.

( 'Am I dreaming?' he asked slowly. )

supernatural: dean winchester

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