Couples Therapy 9.2 Post-coital discussions - What are yours about?

Apr 13, 2008 21:16

Muse: Senator Robert Kelly
Fandom: X-Men
Word Count: 336
Partners: Nic sewing_on_ears, Rachel inaspectandeyes, and Jamie bullet_jamie.

I wonder what it says about us, what we say or do after we make love. Why is that, of all times, significant? Are we supposed to be more honest, somehow, with our bodies shed of tension, with no need to deceive or persuade or seduce?

I haven't seen Jamie for a while, haven't been to bed with him. I always fear we're drifting apart, and we never do, but now that I'm seeing Rachel it's more difficult. He's a long way away. He has Ian. They have their kids. But I miss him. I miss my friend. I miss the way we could talk, and feel each other, and come, and go on talking. I don't know if it's more that the talking is more important than the sex, or that it's all part of the same thing, of being utterly at ease with each other.

Rachel and I haven't done much talking at all. It's all so new, so fresh, so desperate. I've spent so much of the time I've been in love with her scared that I would never get to meet her, that I'd never get to hold her. Now it seems like it's all we want to do, to hold on, to say "I love you" and go to sleep with that on our minds.

And Nic... it's always about the baby, now. Even our lovemaking is about the baby. It's impossible to be alone, feeling him there, feeling him moving as we move, imagining who he might be in three months. I find myself wondering what we'd say, Nic and I, if it were just us again, in a few months when Dylan's sleeping through the night and we can be alone. I wonder what Rachel and I might say when we're not so scared of losing each other, when our love becomes a little more familiar. I wonder if there's anything I can say, or anything I need to say to Jamie.

Maybe "I love you" is always enough.

x-men: robert kelly

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