85.4 Restless

Dec 01, 2009 20:55

ooc: jkhellion used with permission and love. Also set Tuesday night/Wednesday morning!

Sally can find no reason for anyone to be rustling around in the living room when the sky has not broken into an array of pastels and the moon is still high. If James is stumbling in or out (she never can tell these days) he should at least have the decency to do so without waking up the entire household. Neko shifts on the pillow above her, a quick glance at the bedroom door before curling up so he's facing away. Obviously her cat agrees with her. He's smart like that.

Her brain is too sleep-ridden to realize that James isn't the only one who could be trampling through the apartment. She's already covering her head with another pillow and ignoring Neko's protest when the pillow shifts him slightly. She's too busy plotting her revenge on the younger Keller for waking her at this god-awful hour.

Which is why when she hears Julian's voice she peers out from under it with wide eyes. "Jesus, SB, did you guys move all the damn furniture?"

It takes a few seconds for her brain to compute that he's actually there and trying to make his way into the bedroom without turning on the lights.

"Bags on the floor!" she warns but its a little too late and she can't help but laugh at his curses.

This isn't how she expected to welcome him home. He was supposed to arrive in the afternoon. She had it all planned. Perfect outfit. Perfect takeout. Definitely not staring at him while she was wearing one of his old shirts, with her hair an absolute mess and sleep in her eyes.

"You're early," Sally protested as she sat up, pouting slightly.

Julian raised a brow. "You're wearing my shirt." She shrugged and let him tug her forward. "Miss me?"

Sally stared at him for a long moment, not sure she was supposed to admit the truth or not. So much was going through her mind. There was an infinite list of things she needed to tell him. But right here, at this moment, she pushed it all away and focused on him.

"Every damn minute." And then she kissed him before he could respond; not wanting to hear any uncertainty or clarity or anything. It was the truth and that's all that mattered.

But then they were falling backward on the bed and everything else disappeared, all their concentration centered on one another. The sun was rising when they ceased, Sally curling up beside Julian and the poor cat banished to some place on the floor.

She finally gathered up the strength to reciprocate his previous question, "Miss me?" But the sound of his heartbeat, the rise and fall of his chest has her falling asleep before she can be sure about his reply.

Sally is pretty sure it was a yes.

Sally Blevins
jkhellion (RP-based)

x-men: sally blevins

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