[80.5] Discuss your parents relationship.

Sep 14, 2009 01:36

What relationship?

If I could satisfy the word requirement with the previous, I would. But, since I can't, I'll elaborate. I want to do the Doctors, Love proud. See? I'm a team player! My dad on the otherhand is so not a team player. No, really. I remember when he tried to coach softball and I sat on the bleachers and tried to support my dad coaching softball. Yeah, I loved my mom for that. This was of course before the divorce but possibly after the cheating. I don't exactly know when the cheating started.

Do we ever?

OK, OK, I'll cut the rhetorical questions and answer this one - or comment on the not-question because this is in fact not a question.

Right. My dad. Softball. Not a team player. Aggressive bastard. And tried to play only the good players. Oh, wait, it's little league so - isn't it about having fun? (Ack! Rhetorical question!) Anyway, that was my dad.

My mom's a team player. She's a therapist. She has to be. Her group therapy conference calls are the most amusing. The things I used to hear on her end at night. Oh, man - priceless, I'm telling you. Youtube worthy, I'm thinking.

So, that's my mom and that's my dad. Stephen Davis and Stella Daniels. Both S.D.'s.

Now, their relationship? I mentioned the cheating and the divorce. And he didn't exactly support my lifestyle choice. We're literally estranged - as opposed...to figuratively. I have a step-sister, actually. She's not that bad. Lives outside of L.A. I talk to her every now and then. More then than now, actually.

And there I go digressing again.

They weren't great together, my dear old parents. And now, if you count it? My mom has a new husband and they have a relationship. I can't exactly discuss it because I'm not an informed son. I haven't done my research. And that is a whole different story.

Is this enough words? We're bordering on greeting card territory if I have to keep typing. That, or adding sparkle. You know, sparkle. Added words just to meet the minimum word requirement? Yeah, back in high school I was a regular sparkling Edward Cullen [I wanted to type Edward Cohen for some reason]...Anyway, there it is.

Sparkle included.

original character: devon davis

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