77.10 How do you and your partner make important decisions?

Sep 01, 2009 02:58

[Co-written with acesupyersleeve]

Stepping out of the shower, Remy rubs the towel through his hair, and then wraps it around his waist. From the open bathroom door, he can see Aryn surrounded and propped up by pillows in bed with a book resting on her well rounded belly, and he can't help but grin. He had to admit, even though it took forever to get it done himself, once the furniture was back in place and the plastic taken down, the room looked really nice. The shade of blue they had picked out was just right, and coordinated well with everything else. Once he's dried off and pulled on a pair of boxers, he settles down in bed beside her.

"What'cha readin', cherie?"

Aryn holds up the book so he can see the title. It's the one he bought from Barnes & Noble months ago. "She still needs a name. But some of these are so horrible. Anemone? Seriously? Who the hell would name their kid that?"

He snorts and shakes his head in amusement. "Not a clue, but it sure ain't gonna be us." He peers over her shoulder, looking at the book. "Alabama? Alaska? Alberta?! No way in hell I'm naming my kid after a place. Aimee ain't so bad though..."

"Oh my god, no places. Well, not those, anyway." She frowns and scans the page for Aimee. "Aimee LeBeau. Hmm... I guess. Maybe." She doesn't hate it, but it's obvious she doesn't love it either.

"Bessie... Makes the kid sound like a cow, hell no. Brett sounds like a boy's name. Celeste ain't so bad. Anythin' jumpin' out at ya?"

"Nothing good." She snorts. "Cayenne? I am not naming my daughter after gumbo. Even if her daddy is Cajun." She tilts her head, considering. "Celeste is nice, though. 'Heavenly.' I think I like that better than Aimee."

Aryn flips the page and scans the names, but nothing catches her eye. When Remy doesn't say anything either, she goes onto the next one.

"Hmm. Charlotte?" She raises an eyebrow in question as she turns to look at him. "What do you think?"

"Hmm. Maybe." Reaching over to the bedside table, he grabs a notebook and a pen, and scribbles down Aimee, Celeste, Charlotte. "Better keep track of this stuff, or I ain't gonna remember any of it. Hey, what about Danielle? Or Dominique?"

"Danielle LeBeau... Dominique LeBeau..." She frowns. "I don't know, I think Dominique sounds better than Danielle. What about you?"

"I kinda like Dominique, I'll write it down. Once we get a list of possibles, it'll probably be easier to narrow it down. Oh hey, Elise maybe?"

"Probably. And maybe, yeah." She flips through a few more pages and Evette is added as well. Elizabeth and all its spellings are left conspicuously off. "Fanny? Oh my god, who the hell would name their kid 'ass'?"

Remy starts to laugh, running his hand through his hair, wondering if he should bring up the fact that it actually has worse meanings outside the US. "Yeah. Not really a good idea. 'Specially since it's slang for female anatomy in England..."

Aryn just stares at him. "Wow. Okay yeah, that's a definite no." Not that it was ever really on the list. "What about Felice? Or should we just skip to the G's?"

He scans the page labeled 'F' quickly, and nods. "Yeah, let's jus' move onta G..."

She flips the page and sucks gently at her bottom lip as she considers the first name and turns to look at him. "Gabrielle?"

The entry actually says Gabriella - Gabrielle's just a French variation - but everything they've written down so far is French, and with a last name like LeBeau, she figures it should be.

He tilts his head looking at her, and mentally puts first and last name together. "Huh. I like that one. Gonna write it down."

"Gabrielle LeBeau." She nods. "Me too." Flipping through the rest of the G's, she tosses out a few more suggestions. "Genevieve? Georgette? Giselle?"

"Genevieve is alrigh', I'll add it to the list, the others make me think of little old ladies. Maybe Jacqueline? Juliette?"

Aryn tilts her head, mentally trying out both names. "I think I like Juliette better than Jacqueline. Let's add that one."

"Okay, done."

Over the course of the next half hour or so, the list grows until they reach the back cover of the book: Michelle, Natalie, Renee, Susanne, Veronique, and Yvette are added and Aryn sets the book aside as she looks over at Remy. "That's... a lot of names."

Looking down at the list, he nods. "Yeah it is, but I think we can narrow it down to one. Shouldn't be all that hard." Famous last words. He knows he probably shouldn't have said that - nothing is ever as simple as it looks, and this is important. Their kid is going to have to live with the name they give her for the rest of her life. Or at least until she's 18.

Aryn takes the tablet from him, rubbing a hand absently over her belly as she scans the list of names and starts from the top. "Aimee LeBeau." She frowns. "I don't know. I don't think I like it as much as some of the others. What about you?"

"Yeah, I dunno either. Doesn't quite sound right, ya know? Outta the list we got righ' now, my favorites are Celeste, Charlotte, Gabrielle, Juliette and Renee. Though that's kinda close to Remy, and migh' be weird."

"Yeah, it's a little... off." She winces, then chuckles and rubs at her stomach again. "Jelly bean must agree because she's kicking the hell out of me." Aryn looks over the list and narrows it down in her head. "I like Charlotte, Dominique, Juliette, and Gabrielle. But I think Gabrielle is my favorite of them all. Juliette and Charlotte are a close second."

"I like Gabrielle, too. Gabi... It jus' works, ya know?"

"Gabrielle LeBeau. Gabi LeBeau..." Aryn tries it out and nods. "It just does. So, what do you think, little one, hmm?" she asks, looking down at where the tablet rests on her belly.

One moment it's there and the next it's gone - sliding off onto the bed, thanks to a well placed elbow or foot; it's hard to tell which.

Remy's eyebrow shoots up as he watches the notepad fall, and then he begins to laugh. "Somethin' tell me she likes it. Either that, or she really don'."

Aryn chuckles and glances over at him. "We could flip for it... but you know how unlucky I am at coin tosses."

His arm snakes around her shoulders, and he pulls her in close. "Gabi it is, I think."

She turns so she can nuzzle against the side of his face and he can feel her smile against it. "Gabi it is." She pauses a moment and groans. "She still needs a middle name."

"We still got time for that. It'll be alrigh', chatonne."

Patient: Aryn Wakefield
Fandom: Original Character
Word Count: 1179
Partner: Remy LeBeau (acesupyersleeve RP based)

x-men: remy lebeau/gambit, original character: aryn wakefield

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