59.2 Discuss a platonic relationship that you're proud of.

Mar 30, 2009 15:11

Patient: Will Porter
Fandom: Original Character
Word Count: 432
Partners: orlandomuse and shyboy86

When I moved out to Seattle from Hartford, I didn't know a soul. I made the move as part of my job, but apart from work, I wasn't really going to have anything else to look forward to once I was out there. I'd thought I was ready to start a new life, but that kind of change was just too extreme for me. My friends and my family were all back east while I was living in a new place on the other side of the country. I was feeling pretty homesick and maybe even a little depressed when I walked into the office on my first day. That's when I met Sandy.

Sandy was my assistant at Hamilton-Fairhaven. She had a lot to live up to in my mind because my old assistant, Deidre, was pretty fantastic. I was so sad that I had to leave her behind. No amount of begging could convince her to make the move with me. I needn't have worried. From the moment I met Sandy, I felt as if we'd always known each other. She was easy to talk to and I could tell that we were going to have a great working relationship. I was right. Not only was she a stellar assistant, but she ended up being a wonderful friend who worried about me, let me worry about her, laughed and cried with me over whatever stupid crisis I was going through, and I miss her dearly because I don't get to see her every day. She lives in New York now, so we still talk pretty regularly, but it's not the same as seeing her every day and just hanging out with her. When Orli, Shy and I go away, she's more than happy to stay out here and look after the animals, and I always make sure to bring her back a lovely gift from wherever we went. I can honestly say that I love her and she's my best female friend. She and I would say that if we were both single when we turned 50, we'd marry each other. That's the kind of relationship we have. Kind of like what you see in the movies between gay men and their best girlfriends. Oh, and on a side note, she's a blonde. It never occurred to me before that whenever I would go on my tirades against blonde women because of my old hatred for my ex-wife, I was lumping Sandy in with that. Bad me. All of that blonde stuff is moot now, anyway, but that's a whole different story.

original character: will porter

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