51.3 Dr. Seuss Quote

Feb 02, 2009 12:52

["When you are in love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."

-- Dr. Seuss]

He doesn’t sleep much anymore and there are a myriad of reasons why but it’s the nightmares that keep him up even when exhaustion is as perpetual as Sammy’s bitchiness. It’s not that they’re vivid (even though they are) or that they seem real (even though they do); it’s that they were real. He’s not having nightmares of something his brain concocted due to stress or too much alcohol. More accurately he’s having memories of his time in Hell. Memories that are painted in Technicolor-so bright, so jarring and so damn painful he doesn’t want to sleep.

He wakes up with a whimper because screams just egged them on. Her hands are in his hair, fingertips rubbing against the stubble on his jaw while her lips whisper reassurance and love. He lays there for a moment, letting himself adjust, convincing himself this isn’t a trick. It’s not persuasion and it’s not a bribe. She’s here, she’s real and he’s not in Hell anymore. Sometimes he knows right away and sometimes the memories fill his nose with the smell of sulfur, blood and burning flesh. It takes longer on those nights.

He doesn’t sleep much anymore. He’s got books to read, cases to research and a girlfriend to do. On any given night, Dean can find a dozen reasons not to fall asleep. Reality is nice right now and it doesn’t hurt or burn or bleed. It doesn’t ask more than he can ever give; it doesn’t turn him into a monster that he can’t ever come back from. Reality has gentle hands and soft lips, words that give and arms that hold. He’ll take that over his dreams any day.

Dean Winchester
300 words
Partner: Brooke Davis giveandforgive (RP)

supernatural: dean winchester

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