49.4 Discuss something you'd like to improve on for your partner.

Jan 21, 2009 16:41

Patient Name: Gabe Watson
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Original Character)
Word Count: 312
Partner: Cady Osborne nota_democracy
Prompt: 49.4 Discuss something you'd like to improve on for your partner.

For as long as he can remember he’s been a follower and not a leader. Gabe wouldn’t know what to do if he were easily noticeable, pushed out in front or the center of attention. It’s been years upon years that he was a fixture in his father’s life, something carefully sculpted to make Ron Watson look like the perfect family man in public. For a little shorter than that many years Gabe has stood behind Brennan Taylor, his best friend. Gabe is good at being a sidekick.

Then he met Cady Osbourne. Since that first day he’s walked a little bit behind her. Her dominant personality has been a perfect match for Gabe’s submissive one. She takes control of everything so that he doesn’t have to. She pulls him out of the dark places he goes sometimes. She saves him on a daily basis, on some days even more than once.

He can never imagine being a Cady or a Brennan. That type A personality isn’t in him. It was beaten out of him a long time ago starting on the day his mother walked out. Gabe knows he’s a sidekick. He knows that he fades into the backdrop a lot and he likes it that way. He always walks a step behind, let’s everyone else come up with the ideas. He never raises his hand in school. He doesn’t answer any number on the phone that isn’t the handful of people that he trusts. He doesn’t do well in big crowds, not now that the pressure to be perfect from his father isn’t there.

Someday though, he hopes to at least get up the nerve to walk alongside Cady and Brennan instead of that half a step behind. It’s a small goal. But Gabe doesn’t make any goals bigger than that. It saves him the disappointment in himself and others.

original character: gabe watson

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