41.1 There are a lot of ways to say I love you

Dec 01, 2008 14:17

["There are a lot of ways to say I love you. Fucking is the fastest."]

a bit of a companion piece to this

She doesn’t notice when he leaves, the bed still warm from his body but she notices when he returns. The slide of overheated skin against hers makes her whimper as she moves into the warmth. Arms encircle her as his hands slip down her back. Fingertips trickle over her spine, calluses scrape against the silky smooth of her back and she arches into the touch. It doesn’t take much to combust, heat and fire, sparks flaring into flame. His lips on the hollow of her throat pull the whispered prayer of his name from deep inside of her. Her prayer prompts his own whispered redemption, her name against his teeth. She tangles one hand in his hair, binding them both there in that moment.

Later, his breath against the nape of her neck, heavy limbs tangled; alabaster and copper perfectly twined. His skin is marked by her, bites and bruises while hers remains pristine but not from lack of attention. Their skin is still damp, breath still panting and she wants him again. She thinks this hunger is supposed to ebb but it’s done nothing of the sort. Her body aches from the constant scratch and claw of need. She trembles against him, afraid for a moment that this need will consume her the way that bloodlust threatens to consume other vampires.

“Is everyone like this?” Nessie asks as she places a kiss to his wrist, tongue slipping out to taste his skin, gliding over the scar there. It’s impossible for her to be next to him, feeling him, touching him and not taste him.

Jacob shrugs lazily in response, his lips against the back of her neck, ghosting over her skin. She bites her lip, checking the moan he tugs from within her. She turns in his arms, changing the configuration of their limbs but neither the closeness nor the entanglement. Her lips collide with his, teeth and tongues, biting and sipping; laziness banished.

“How do they ever get anything done?” she asks rhetorically against his mouth. He swallows her words, replacing them with touch and taste. She used to try to put into words what she and Jacob were, what they meant, what they could be but the actions were more appropriate all along.

Renesmee Cullen Black
Twilight Series
399 words
Partner: Jacob Black idont_fightfair (Canon)

twilight: renesmee cullen

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