39.3 Special Places

Nov 15, 2008 20:26

[Discuss a location of special significance to you and your partner.]

They used to lie on the beach in Half Moon Bay. It’s one of the things Cady misses most now that they live in New York. The closest they can come to that these days is lying on a raft in the middle of the indoor pool. The ceiling is glass but they can’t see the stars anyway.

Sometimes they’re silly and they both end up fully clothed in the pool but sometimes they just drift. There’s rarely silence between them but there’s also rarely seriousness even during the quiet moments. Tonight they’re quiet; Cady’s head on Gabe’s shoulder, her arm across his chest. He’s got both hands on his stomach and they’re talking about the Gears of War. Gabe is talking very animatedly about it and Cady is dozing off. It’s not that she doesn’t care but she hasn’t slept in nearly twenty four hours. Occasionally a bout of insomnia hits her. The sound of Gabe’s voice is soothing, his skin is warm against hers and the water lapping against the side of the pool, just barely swaying them on the inflatable raft

Lying like this with the sound of the water has always calmed Cady. Ocean or pool doesn’t make much difference.

Cady Osborne
Partner: Gabe Watson slayer_pet

original character: cady osborne

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