36.3 Possibilty of a family

Oct 24, 2008 19:16

[Discuss your feelings on the possibility of a family with your partner]

Nessie was sitting on the couch in Dr. Love’s office, her feet tucked up underneath her. “Why is it always a couch?” she asked.

Dr. Love, the female one, smiled broadly at her and shrugged. “They’re comfortable. You don’t have to lie down on it. Usually we do joint sessions and it’s a good piece of furniture for two people to sit on. However, as you know, today is an individual session. We schedule one every now and then just to give you a chance to discuss things that you might not want to discuss with your partner.”

Nessie nodded, twirling a curl of her hair around her finger. She was a little nervous about the individual session because she wasn’t used to being here without Jacob to cling to. “But I talk to Jacob about everything.” It was an excuse and both she and Dr. Love knew it.

“That’s good. Honesty and openness is always beneficial in a relationship but this week we’re going talk about family and the possibility of having one with your partner. You’re a young girl. I thought maybe you’d be more comfortable discussing it with me. Jacob can discuss the idea with my husband if he likes.”

Nessie wrinkled her nose, giving the strand of hair wrapped around her finger undue attention. “How I feel about it? I don’t think I can…have a family I mean.”

“Because of what you are?” Dr. Love prodded. She leaned forward, giving the impression that she was really listening and caring.

“Yeah…” Nessie nodded. “Jacob can have dozens of babies with anyone else. Just not me.” She hesitated. “I mean…we could. If we had a baby right now but I’m still a teenager and I can’t have a baby now. And I don’t think Jacob is ready for one either. Plus, our relationship is still changing and growing and we’re still in the process of becoming what we’re going to be. We’re still at the just kissing stage of things and sometimes when there’s lots of kissing, I think about the whole second base thing or third or whatever…but I’m not ready for that and if Jacob is, he doesn’t push me toward it.” She paused, fiddling with her hair some more, a little reluctant to go on.

“What do you mean, you could have one now?” Dr. Love pushed. She knew the basics; that Renesmee was a half vampire but she didn’t know what that meant.

“Obviously I’ve changed since I was born. I grew and changed just like a human, except at a much faster rate. I got my period like a year and a half ago so…right now, I think everything works like a human.” She hesitated and took a deep breath. “But once I’m finished maturing…and that’s just a few months away…I stop aging and changing. My hair won’t grow, my skin won’t wrinkle. I won’t gain weight or get taller and I stop having a period. Everything just sort of freezes where it is right now. So I’m going to be eighteen and pretty, forever. It’s a good deal if you can get it.”

She sighed at her own joke and looked up at the ceiling. “To get pregnant and to maintain that pregnancy, you have to grow and you have to change. Your body has to adapt and it has to allow changes within it. That’s why Daddy couldn’t change my mom until I was born. So like I said, Jacob can have kids with anyone in the world who isn’t me.”

“Then you want kids. You’ve thought about them?” Dr. Love asked.

Nessie shrugged and looked back to the doctor. “When I was little I used to play dolls just like any little girl. I think I always understood that I wouldn’t age beyond a certain point but it a while to realize that that meant I wouldn’t ever be a Mom. When I did, I put all my dolls away and refused to play with anything except stuffed animals. I never gave anyone an explanation for it but Daddy knew. Even then, it didn’t bother me because I didn’t think about Jacob that way. I mean he was always going to be my prince and we’d have babies and live happily ever after but I never thought about it as a real possibility or want and eighteen, nineteen, twenty seems a lot further away when you’re a little kid.” She took a deep breath. “So that’s a yes. I think Jacob and I would have really pretty babies but it doesn’t matter because we can’t. Because we’re not ready to have one now.”

“You could adopt,” Dr. Love suggested. It was a topic she dealt with on a regular basis.

Nessie nodded in response. “I know. I mean that’s basically what Carlisle and Esme have done. Esme can’t have a family and so Carlisle made her one. And we are a family, as much as any blood related family ever has been but…my bite is non-venomous. That’s why I can bite Jacob so I can’t make anyone a vampire and if we adopt normal, human children…they’re going to grow up and age and die. I don’t think Jacob or I really want that kind of heartache. Besides, they wouldn’t have Jacob’s smile.” She forced a smile to her lips and shrugged. “It’s okay. I’ve got Jacob and a lot of family. I don’t need kids and if I think I do…I’ve got a long time to get over it.”

She glanced at her phone, registering the time on it and she stood up. “I need to go. Jacob and I have been doing the time apart thing all day and he’s gonna be sick if I’m gone any longer.” It was an easy excuse to get out of a discussion she couldn’t stand to have anymore. Right now, she just wanted to be out of this room and in Jacob’s arms. Kids were something she knew she should probably talk to him about sooner rather than later, while they were still a possibility but she needed to be able to breathe for a little while first.

Renesmee Cullen
Twilight Series
1038 words
Partner: Jacob Black idont_fightfair (Canon>

twilight: renesmee cullen

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