33.3 To Catch a Thief Quote

Sep 30, 2008 14:13

33.3 - React (in any way you'd like) to this quote:

Frances Stevens: I'm in love with you.
John Robie: Now that's a ridiculous thing to say.

-To Catch a Thief

It felt like he had been holding vigil for hours and maybe he had. Kneeling at the side of her bed, he held her hand in his, pad of his thumb lightly stroking over the knuckles. Nessie had nearly died. He had been listening to her screams, pacing as everyone had crowded in here until there wasn't room for him. Now the room had cleared out and it was just him... as he thought it should be. Renesmee was still sleeping but she was getting better. He could feel it and see it. Color was slowly returning to her cheeks.

"I don't know what I would've done." He whispered and kissed the back of her hand. "I love you, Nessie."

A smile tugged at Nessie's lips as his words and the kiss to the back of her hand brought her half awake. She shifted, turning slightly toward Jacob. "Duh," she said, fluttering her eyelashes open. She covered a yawn with one hand and smiled softly at Jacob. "That's a silly thing to say. You're gonna make me think I'm still dying." She turned on her side to face him as she flipped their hands so that she could run her fingertips over his palm and down to his wrist. She circled the scar there then glided her fingertips up the veins back to the palm of his hand. Her skin still felt sensitive from the venom Carlisle had run through her veins. In fact, all of her insides felt sore and abused.

"I'm glad you were here when I woke up."

The moment he heard her voice his eyes snapped open wide and he looked up to her. She moved and her eyes were open. She was awake and his lips hung open just enough to be considered a gape. "Nessie..." Did she realize what he'd just said? Of course, he'd always told her he loved her, but now it had somewhat of a deeper meaning that before. He looked down to where her fingers glided over the scar on his wrist. "How are you feeling? Better?"

She had heard what he'd said and she was still adjusting and absorbing it. The tone of his voice told her that the words held a different meaning than they once did. She was also considering that maybe it was just the drama of the life and death thing. Maybe later, when she was well and normal and this was forgotten, he wouldn't feel that way anymore. He'd just feel the way he always had about her.

Nessie nodded slightly in answer to his question. "I hurt," she admitted. Her throat burned with thirst, a dry fire rising inside of her but she wouldn't tell Jacob that. She'd taken too much of his blood when she was sick. Now that she knew she wasn't going to die, she also knew neither was he. "How are you? Better?" She knew he hadn't felt very well while she was sick.

"Getting there. I need you. You can't do this again, alright?" It was a halfhearted admonishment because really, he was just so thankful. He had thought he would lose her... not sure if their imprinting went beyond her humanity or not. Whether it did or not, he didn't want to test it.

"Mmmm, you mean the part where I get a near fatal virus from the tropics or the part where I wake up. Or the part where I try to drain you?" Nessie asked as she tucked her free hand under her cheek. She felt guilty about drinking so much from Jacob only because she could have hurt him. She had almost hurt him. Unconsciously she pouted and dipped her head to brush a kiss against the scar on his wrist. That made the burn in her throat nearly choke her but she didn't pull away. "I'll try not to do any of those things," she promised him.

Like Jacob, Nessie wasn't sure that he'd love her beyond this life. She was happy to stay alive. "Yeah all of that. You scared me half to death." He leaned over to kiss her brow, one palm brushing her hair back again since she'd moved. "We'll get you better... somehow eventually. I've missed you. You know it was all crowded in here and it kind of reeked with everyone in the room." He began to ramble. "So I walked out in the hallway back and forth and then went out running waiting for 'my turn'. I had to have a turn. It sucked."

Nessie leaned into Jacob's touch then wrinkled her nose at his ramble. "Having a turn would suck. I would have said something but I was sort of busy. I'm sorry I scared you and I'm sorry that you had to have a turn," she said apologetically. "I think you both smell sublime." To illustrate that point she kissed his hand. She felt like it'd been ages since they'd been Nessie and Jacob. "And I feel better. I promise. I just ache. That'll go away."

"Yeah well it needs to hurry up." He ducked his head, thinking for a moment and then shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Nessie. I've just been stressed out and I couldn't do anything I wanted to do. I hate being helpless. I'll get over the badness soon, okay? You rest and get better. I'll be close." He leaned in to kiss her forehead again and whispered against her skin. "I love you."

And apparently they still weren't Jacob and Nessie just yet. Maybe it would take some time or maybe he was pulling away from her, taking off to run because everything had made him crazy. That made her pout and she tightened her hold on Jacob's hand. "Hey," she said softly, tugging him down closer to her. "Sit with me, tell me what you wanted to do. Hold me and we'll both sleep better. And by the way, I love you too, Jacob."

He melted with those words and let out a long exhale of breath. Jacob got up from his knees and sat down next to Nessie on the side of the bed. "You don't think I'll end up hurting you? Holding you? You know. You've gotta be in pain."

"Some things are worth the pain. I've missed you and I can handle a little pain to have you close," Nessie answered. She patted the bed beside her. "We'll just get comfortable and not move." She knew Jacob could be incredibly tender when he wanted to be so she wasn't worried about him hurting her. At least not much.

A light smirk escaped Jacob, a protest on his lips. He didn't want to hurt Nessie at all. And he wanted to be stubborn about this even if he wanted to hold onto her. "I've missed you too but I'm not gonna hurt you. I won't." He shook his head.

Nessie could be just as stubborn so she set her teeth, gritting them tightly and pushed herself into an upright position. With some wiggling and moving around, a hiss escaping every now and then, she finally managed to curl up next to Jacob. She was half lying in his lap, curled up against his chest with her feet against the headboard. "No is a dirty word, Jacob," she told him teasingly. Her voice was a little strained but she was alright. "What did you want to do while I was sick that we missed out on?"

He watched in horror as she moved and twisted. He wanted to stop her but he wasn''t sure how without hurting her further. And then she was pretty much wrapped around him. He didn't mind it, liked it even. But he was worried about her. "I uhm... what do you mean? I was pretty consumed with you being sick. Everything else got pushed to the side."

Nessie just shook her head. "You said you couldn't do what you wanted to do because I was sick." She ran her fingertips down the bumps of his ribs and then over the ridges of his abs. It was one benefit to Jacob not being ticklish. She could touch him anywhere but his feet without him squirming away from her.

"I just meant that I was helpless. I wanted to fix you and I couldn't." Although what he had wanted to do would have killed him. Giving a person all of your blood would do that even to a werewolf. He knew that while some in the house might welcome it, Carlisle and Esme wouldn't have. "I don't like being helpless." He repeated.

"You're not helpless, Jacob. Even when I was sick, you were helping me. You stayed with me and kept me warm. You gave me your blood to the point that I made you feel bad." She'd have to sit up to kiss him properly so instead she leaned in slightly with a soft wince and pressed a kiss against his stomach, just underneath his ribs. "I understand though. I think I'd feel the same way if you were sick. You always fix things for me, make them okay and there was nothing you could do this time except wait."

As much as he wanted to believe that he had helped her, Jacob knew that he hadn't been able to do anything. He had lived it. But he wasn't going to argue with her when she had just woken up and he finally had her back and at least healing. He brushed her hair back from her face and continued toying with one brunette curl. "Sure, sure. Just rest, Nessie. Okay? Just rest." Because now he could actively do something to help. He could make her take care of herself until she was fully healed.

Nessie nodded, unable to keep from yawning. She grabbed her blanket and pulled it up to her chin, curling up even more around Jacob. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Goodnight, Jacob. I love you."

Even though she couldn't see it, he nodded and then repeated her reply from earlier. "Duh."

Jacob Black idont_fightfair and Renesmee Cullen letme_showyou (Canon)
Twilight Series
1718 words

twilight: renesmee cullen, twilight: jacob black

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