(no subject)

Sep 23, 2008 18:38

Patient: Emma Frost
Fandom: X-Men/Marvel Comics
Partner of Patient: Sebastian Shaw [canon]
Word Count: 270
Prompt: 32.2. Talk about a time when you were pursued by someone who you weren't interested in.

Shall I start the list chronologically or alphabetically? As if this has happened more times than I can count. In truth, I'm not even sure I can remember them all. Some are obvious and blatant, others just another face in a long line of would be suitors. Currently nearly any suitor is unwanted in one form or another. After all I've endured with my loss of the man I love and returning to my life, I'm just not interested in a relationship or enduring pursuing or being pursued.

Sebastian began as one that I had no desire in despite his persuit. He was a patron at the club where I worked, eager for more than the traditional dance. I took him for the usual pervert, a man taken by a beautiful woman with a great body. It wasn't until I tried to use my telepathy on him and, unlike all of the others I had used the same ploy on, he saw through it. He saw through it and called me on it. I gave him a second chance then. After months and months of fighting with him, of telling him no, that night I let him take me home.

He, unlike many, won me over. At first all I saw him as was the same old class of man but it wasn't long before I realized what he truly posssesed and what it was that I craved more than anything. It's never about the sex. Or even the love. It's about the power. It took a man I wanted nothing to do with coming after me for me to realize that.

x-men: emma frost

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