31.2 - Victor Hugo Quote

Sep 17, 2008 12:48

Patient Name: Gabe Watson
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Original Character)
Word Count: 509
Partner: Cady Osborne nota_democracy
Prompt: 31.2 - "The most powerful symptom of love is a tenderness which becomes at times almost insupportable." - Victor Hugo

Even in wolf form Gabe hated the smell of blood. It burned in over-sensitive nostrils and forced him to relive memories on top of memories that on most days he tried to forget ever happened. The wolf, on the other hand, loved it, reveled in it and was ultimately satisfied from the feast he had had tonight. It was an internal battle that Gabe shied away from as he did with most things. It made the dominance of the wolf an even more simplistic task than it usually was.

Thankfully, Cady knew the effect that blood had on Gabe. They had just returned from a nightly patrol that had been nastier than normal. Interrupting eight big green demons from summoning an even bigger demon had left them both covered in blood and goo. The narrow success between the two of them didn’t garner any celebration just yet. Gabe had morphed mid fight and the wolf had taken the chance to both protect Cady and feed on the demons during and after the battle.

Any celebration would have to wait. The first priority was to get the blood off of Gabe. In the bathtub, Cady ran luke-warm water. She patted the edge of the tub and the massive wolf, golden fur soaked in blood padded over and stepped into the tub. She started with his nozzle, getting the blood away from and off of his nose and then worked her way back over his fur. As she scrubbed through the thick mane of fur, the wolf licked her skin where he could to clean blood off of her skin. She knew that that part was Gabe, not the wolf. Only Gabe would be so tender during the aftermath of such an intense situation.

Once she was finished, she turned the water off and couldn’t help but grin when the wolf shook from head to tail raining droplets of water everywhere. “Go into the bedroom, Blondie. I’m going to take a quick shower.”

The wolf leapt over the edge of the tub and shook off again before padding into her bedroom. Cady made her shower quick but thorough. She scrubbed the blood off of her skin and used her scented body wash in excess. Only then did some of the tension work its way out of her muscles.

She changed into a pair of pajamas and found Gabe, still in wolf form curled up on the floor. The wolf’s ears twitched when she walked in and then he lifted his head to watch what she was going to do curiously. Her body wash overpowered any blood scent that may have lingered between the two of them and Gabe was thankful for that.

He watched her get into bed beneath the sheets and waited for her to pat her hand over the covers before he leapt up onto the bed and curled up near her legs. Violent patrols always ended this way. In the aftermath of what could have been a deadly battle, they always found each other no matter the form.

original character: gabe watson

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