2. What would your children look like? / Who do your children more closely resemble?

Mar 14, 2008 16:31

Who do my kids resemble? Come on you got to be kidding. Sure the hell isn’t me. One of the downsides of adoption. Maybe it’s an upside if you think about my girls looking like me. Solan’s got a bit of his mom in him, especially the eyes. Hope’s got some of her mom in her too. Cassie and Evie? I got no idea. Never seen their family. Though Evie and Essy look hell of a lot alike so I’m going to assume Evie looks like that side of the family.

The baby… well there’s a trick question. Who the hell knows who it will look like though I can already tell you won’t look like me. Shame really. No big blue eyes and all that pale red-brown hair I had as a kid. Definitely a shame but I make due. I love my kids even if they don’t look like me… though if we’re talking resemble in actions; there you got your hands full. May not look like me but I sure the hell raised them to act like me. That’s good enough for me.

Did talk once long time ago about what my kid, my son’d look like but the girl’s dead. Don’t think that counts any more and I’d rather not remember what we talked about. That’s what therapy’s about though right? Making you remember and talk about shit you don’t want to. Fuck that. She’s dead. Ain’t like that little boy’s ever going to exist or any other blood Plissken kid will so drop the shit. I gave you what you wanted now go the fuck away.

Muse: Snake Plissken
Fandom: Escape from NY/LA
Words: 286
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to xena_warrior, justlikedaddy, sinful_girl, little_zamora, spider_on_acid and adorablysweet.

escape from ny/la: snake plissken

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