25.2 - How well does your partner fit into your life?

Aug 05, 2008 20:56

Patients: John Allerdyce and Doug Ramsey
Fandom: X-Men
Words: 1910
Partners: john_movinon and doug_ramsey
Writers: This was written by both John!mun and Doug!mun in RP/collaboration style.
Notes: Backdated to Saturday night. A sort of companion piece to (warning: mature content link) John's night with JP, which was set Sunday night.

25.2 - How well does your partner fit into your life?

John: "I am totally and ridiculously in love with you, Douglas Ramsey. Don't forget that, 'kay?"

Doug: "If I forget everything else, I'll remember that. Even when we're all old and boring."

John's life had taken quite the turn lately, and some of it wasn't exactly the best stuff, but some of it was, it really was. Work keeps him busy, and he spends a lot of time with the two people he cares about most in the world - Doug, and JP. It's interesting and new, what they were doing, and John's taking special care of it. He makes sure he spends time with Doug, made sure Doug knew exactly how John felt for him. But he also paid good attention to JP too, to make sure he didn't think this wasn't just fun and games for him.

It isn't the easiest thing in the world, no, but it was going well.

Tonight? Tonight is for Doug.

John had texted Doug earlier in the day, asking if he was free that night. When Doug said yes, John said he was cooking. For the two of them. Some time alone.

John prepares dinner, cooking some salmon and vegetables with this awesome sauce he does up. He sets up the table nicely, so they weren't sitting in front of the TV or on their laptops or anything. It's not like it was overly romantic or anything - there are no candles or flowers or any of that fancy stuff, that just wasn't John - but it's still a nice change of things.

John is just pulling the salmon out of the oven when Doug comes home. "Hey, babe," he calls out. "In the kitchen."

"Something smells good," Doug says, coming into the kitchen with his laptop bag slung over one shoulder. He dodges the heat of the oven to kiss John hello, then sits down at the table. "So what's the occasion? Did I do something?" He grins. "Did you do something?"

"Nothing bad," John says as he starts to dish out the food. He glances over at Doug. "There's nothing wrong with just wanting to, like, be domestic and shit, right?"

Doug gave him a Look.

John shrugs. "What? I used to be Brotherhood. Believe it or not, that actually means being domestic."

Aside from the terrorist thing, of course.

"I used to trade off doing laundry for the cooking," John says, just making idle chatter about stuff as he finishes up. If anything about the Brotherhood was idle. "Toad was a horrible cook. At least I'm not adding insects to it, right?"

John comes to the table, carrying the two plates, and puts one down in front of Doug. He sits down in the chair beside him, and picks up fork, digging in. "So, how was your day?"

"Pretty good," Doug says brightly. "I talked to some people at the university, like I said I would. They were pretty helpful. And then I just spent most of the afternoon in the library. I think maybe I should write a book or something. It would give me an excuse to hang around doing nothing except look dreamy."

He eats a piece of salmon. "Mmm. So, you left JP in the gutter or something? Is he hovering outside the window?"

"Wouldn't it be other people sitting around looking at you dreamily?" John asks, leering playfully. But then he's a little more serious. "But, no, really... you going to school would be totally awesome. I know you want to do that," John says supportively. And keeps his mouth shut about the bastards that kept him out of it last time. He can't help but add, "You'll get in because you deserve to." And it had nothing to do with Doug being a mutant, or being kept out last time because he was a mutant.

John rolls his eyes. "I did not leave him in the gutter. He's sitting for the Kellys.?" John tilts his head to the side, and asks thoughtfully, "You're still okay with... all this, right?"

John isn''t being paranoid and he didn't sound upset or worried at all; it was just something he wants to check in on every once in a while. That whole communication thing they were supposed to be doing and all; if there was a problem, he wanted to be able to deal with it.

"Of course I'm okay with it," Doug says, still shoveling in food. "Everyone keeps asking me that, as if one of us is morally bound to be miserable. Look, if I was unhappy I probably wouldn't be making jokes about marshmallows or, you know, being quite so enthusiastic about sucking JP off. So. Yeah." He grins. "But it's sweet that you asked."

"Well, you know, just making sure we all stay on the same page, and that everything's okay," John says, grinning back. "Good. It's... yeah. It's all good."

They eat their meal, chatting a bit about different stuff going on in their lives. When the meal is done, they start cleaning up the kitchen, and John figures this is as good a time as any.

"Wait here," John says unnecessarily, and goes to the bedroom, then comes back holding a little box. It's quite recognizably a ring box. "So, okay, I got you something. I got JP something to," he adds in, because he wants to be upfront about that. "But I got you both something different."

He hands the box to Doug to open and check out, but John feels the need to explain it.

"They call it a promise ring," John says. "But, I mean. You know I'm sorta indifferent to that whole," he waves a hand around vaguely, "religious, legal ceremony thing of marriage. Plus, well, we're so young and stuff."

He pauses, and is completely serious. "But the commitment thing, I get. I believe in. And I am totally committed to you. Like, in one of those forever kinda ways. You know that, right?"

Inside the box is a man's silver ring, with three little gems that look like diamonds. But the thing is, they aren't.

"If you were to get it assessed, they would appear like worthless pieces of glass," John says. "But they mean a lot to me. They're made from pieces of the amulet that was used to cure me in the Death March. It was, like, the part that sucked the sickness right out of me, saving me."

John takes a deep breath, trying to calm his beating, nervous heart. He isn't very good at this romantic shit, but it's important, and he had thought long and hard about what to get for Doug and JP. He wants to do this for Doug. He wants Doug to know.

"But it's really you, and JP, that saved me. I owe you my life. And that's what that amulet represent, my life, and I wanted to give a piece of it to you. Because it's yours too."

Doug is... well, to say touched would be underestimating his reaction by several degrees. He puts down his dishcloth very carefully. "J... Man." He takes the ring and examines it. "This is really cool. And beautiful. And, you know..."

He looks at John. "I... I really never thought anyone would want..." And, darn, he's crying now, and that's a really dumb thing to do, because he's definitely not a girl, and he's never spent his entire childhood fantasising about white weddings and Prince Charming, and JP's going to mock him relentlessly if he ever finds out...

He sniffles, as manfully as he can, and flings his arms around John. "I love you. And I'm really glad you're alive. And... am I meant to say 'I do' or something? Crap, I'm ruining this. And I didn't get you anything! Shit. Um. I could make you a milkshake? Or read you a poem or something?"

Very obviously, Douglas Ramsey is at a loss.

John laughs as he squeezes Doug, pulling him into a tight hug. He doesn't say anything about the tears, not to embarrass Doug, but John is incredibly touched, and pleased, by the reaction. So, he didn't fuck this whole thing up.

"You're not ruining it. And you don't have to do anything for me," John says. He pulls back, and kisses each of Doug's cheeks, and the end of his nose. "I almost considered getting a ring too but maybe that was kinda tacky, buying one for myself? I don't know. We can think about that, if you want."

He kisses Doug then, deep and sweet and pouring everything he felt for Doug into it. When they break for air, John rests his forehead against Doug's. "I am totally and ridiculously in love with you, Douglas Ramsey. Don't forget that, 'kay?"

Doug beams, and kisses John back, soft and sweet. "If I forget everything else, I'll remember that. Even when we're all old and boring." He casts a look towards the window. "You know what? I think we sort of love JP too."

"God, I would love if we were boring," John mutters. Things got a little too crazy sometimes. "And old. Old would be... well, being old will suck but, hey, good if we make it there..."

John's brow furrows a little, not in anger or anything, but in thought. "You know what? I think we do too," John agrees. His hands slip down Doug's back to rest in his back pockets. "I think I'm still getting used to the being totally in love with one guy and starting to fall for another." He kisses Doug's jaw. "But I'm glad it's, like, a mutual thing. On all fronts."

"Oh, well, you know. Kelly's like 25 years older than us and he's still getting laid and getting shot at, so maybe there's hope for us yet," Doug says, and pulls up John's shirt a bit. "I guess I should put this on, huh?" He asks about the ring, and slips it onto his finger. "Wouldn't want to lose it."

John decides to ignore the part about the older man and his getting laid thing. Really, he doesn't need to think about that right now. The laid part, yes, the older man thing, no.

Instead, he takes Doug's hand in his, fingers brushing over the ring. "Looks good," John says softly. "Real good."

He's happy to realize that he's not freaking out about this at all. He feels... calm. At peace. Completely and perfectly happy and in love. And that was fucking awesome.

He leers playfully at Doug, and his hands begin to slip under the other man's shirt. "You know, I think we should take this conversation to the bedroom," John says. "And as a thank-you, you should let me do whatever I want to you." John grins. "I promise, you'll like it."

"Well, as long as you're not going to set me on fire..." Doug says, letting John gently guide him backwards into the bedroom, without bashing into any walls or doors.

He stands there, arms outstretched. "Do your worst, oh commitment partner of mine!"

"Oh, I'll set you on fire, babe, but it's not going to be with flame," John says sexily, then laughs at the stupid pun when Doug rolls his eyes.

He strips Doug of his shirt and pushes him back onto the bed, and straddles him. Things become a lot less funny, then. "Worst?" John asks, then licks up Doug's chest. He kisses Doug thoroughly, insistently.

"I'm pretty sure it's going to be my best."

x-men: john allerdyce/pyro, x-men: doug ramsey/cypher

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