[Couples Therapy] 16.2 - Jealousy

Jun 10, 2008 11:01

She won’t call it jealousy...she prefers to call it impatience instead.

When she sees him with his best friend, the feeling gnaws at her gut and whispers nasty thoughts in the core of her mind. It’s relatively easy to ignore, though, because it’s stupid and frivolous. He’s never shy about showing his affection, or sharing himself...the only intimacies he holds from her are those he feels they aren’t yet ready for. He treats her well, and he’s never absent.

He gives her everything, and enriches her with a nobility of spirit that often leaves her confounded, but never leaves her hurting or wanting for a thing.

Still...another woman knows him in ways she doesn’t. She knows that kind of endless, easy intimacy will come with time...even now, it’s finding its roots. Day by day, they get closer, easier with each other.

But she’s easy with him now...and Rian envies that. She’s impatient to know him completely...but she’s never jealous.

* * * * *

She won’t call it jealousy...she prefers to call it frustration instead.

She knows what he feels...has an idea, at any rate. She caught a taste of that tightly wound core at the heart of his calm, solid demeanor. She felt that heat, that desire and fascination move through her on a tendril of power that had moved of its own accord...drawn, seduced into motion by his own wandering eye. Just that brief glimpse of his attention had left her overwhelmed and moved beyond the telling of it.

She knows he wants her...she’s sure he knows that she wants him. She just can’t understand how he can be so calm about it.

Every time she talks to him and hears those even, musical tones in his voice, she feels it bite at her. When she visits him, or he her, and she sees others approach him, talk to him, it claws. When he talks about his art or his craft, that spark of passion she sees in him makes some unknown beast in her rage.

He fights his desires until they explode out of him...and she’s aching to know what it’s like when he finally gives in. She’s burning to feel the touch of his hands instead of just his power...but she’s never jealous of his self control.

* * * * *

She won’t call it jealously...she just chalks it up to distance instead.

He could be across the country...that might make it worse. But he’s only a short plane ride away...Texas is close, all things considered. He’s out of reach and out of sight...and to be honest, they’re not in a relationship. Not yet, anyway...

It’s a daily fight not to call him, an hourly struggle not to let her mind wander to the memory of him. It’s not even the sex she misses most (even though the sex was more than just something to write home about, it deserved an entire thesis), but the companionship. It’s the quiet wisecracks and his smile and the sound of his laugh. It’s the way his eyes light up when he talks about Hannah, the way he listens to her talk about AJ because he understands...because he feels what she feels.

The connection’s been made, and now the connection feels strained. She has to face facts: she misses him. A lot.

She wonders what he’s doing back home...wonders if there’s anyone around that might make him forget, and it bothers the hell out of her.

Because she misses him.

She won’t call it jealousy, though...because Rian Baxter is not a jealous woman as a rule.

Rian Baxter is only jealous of the people she loves.

Muse: Rian Baxter
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 620
Partner: Randy Bosch (wolfwithaguitar), Tadhg MacEibhir (gifted_hands), and Noah Harrison (onemanbrigade)


original character: rian baxter

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