round #08 - themes

Jun 25, 2013 20:59

Hope you enjoy, guys! :)

» Icons must be made originally for this challenge, no prior work may be submitted.
» All work must be your own, not someone else's. Stealing is not cool D:
» Your icons CAN include nudity or swearing if you wish (R-Rated stuff is fine here), but please leave a warning at the top of your post so people can steer clear if they want :)
» Icons must fit the livejournal standard. under 40kb, 100x100px and in either .png, .gif or .jpg file format.
» Animation is NOT allowed.
» When posting the finished 20 please leave 3 icon teasers examples and a link to the icon post or lj-cut.
» Don't submit your icons to this post.
» The icon post must be unlocked.
» All entries are moderated which means that we have to accept the entry before it's made visible to the public.
» Put on title of your post: Round 08 - "YOUR COUPLE HERE"
» Do not add your own tags, I’ll do it for you.
» All 20 icons are (tentatively!) due on July 15, 11:59pm. I can't believe the year is half over already O__o

PLEASE TRY TO COMMENT ON EVERYONE'S ENTRIES and leave them positive feedback - it really only takes a few second to tell someone they did a good job :) Thank you SO MUCH to the members who do so on a regular basis... I've noticed there are really only a few of you, and you have no idea how much I appreciate it!

Please note that both characters of your couple DO NOT have to be in every icon together, but at least try to include both people in at least half of your icons. Otherwise it wouldn't be much fun ;)

ALL THEMES ARE ALWAYS OPEN TO YOUR OWN INTERPRETATION. I'm well aware that not every couple/claim has experienced the same things, so if you can't find any image/scene suited for one of the themes, feel free to think outside the box! For example, if 'Kiss' was the theme, and your couple has never had the pleasure, feel free to icon them close together as if wanting to kiss, or use text like 'I want to kiss you,' or song lyrics with the word kiss in them. It's all up to you! Have fun and be creative :)


1. Geometric Shapes: Your icon must include some type of geometric shape. Circles, squares, triangles, etc. You could make your icon into one of the actual shapes themselves (a round icon), or simply use textures. Some gorgeous examples for you to be inspired by:

(fangss - partitioning - wickdshy - thyla87)

2. Unusual Cropping: Crop one of your icons in an unusual way - either try some cropping you're not used to, or go unconventional. Again, more gorgeous examples:

(mergana - fuuurs - burntheflaws - smyra0)

3. Baby Blue: Now the road you go down with this theme is up to you ;) You can either make an icon filled with beautiful blue colors of any shade, or go a different route and interpret 'blue' as emotional, sad, down, etc.

4. Dorky: Make an icon of your couple doing something weird! Dressed up? Wearing glasses? Making a funny face, sticking out their tongues, acting silly - up to you :)

5. Lovers Eyes: Create an icon that focuses on your couple's eyes.. whether or not they're looking at each other or other people is totally up to you, as long as the eyes are the focus of the icon.

6. B&W on Color: Yeah, stole this one from character20in20 and brunette20in20! It's just such a beautiful idea, I couldn't resist. Your icon must consist of your couple, your subjects, in black and white, on top of a fully colored background. Beautiful examples to draw some inspiration from:

(kirtash_girl - mcy19 - paperdreamss - wildpages)

7. Mod's Cap: You must make an icon using a cap of your couple that I've provided you with down below :) It was fun looking through/for pictures of the couples you guys claimed!

8. Evey_v Texture: You can use any of the 10 decorative accents below (made by the amazing evey_v) in your icon. You can also use more than 1 of them if you want to get creative <3 Set them to screen, soft light, multiply, invert, change colors.. whatever you want to do with the texture, as long as it is somewhat visible.

9. Betrayal: No explanation needed for this one ;)

10. My Blood: You must create an icon inspired by this amazing Ellie Goulding song. You could make an icon filled with red tones (signifying the blood), you could use blood splatter textures, you could text some of the lyrics, or simply icon a scene you think fits the song :) You can read the lyrics here, and I've also uploaded the song for you to listen to if you want here.

Category Set - On My Own. Take the two characters of your couple and icon them BY THEMSELVES, not together as a couple, nor with anyone else. Let's highlight the characters on their own :) So for example, if you claimed Damon & Elena from TVD, you could make 2 icons of Damon and 3 icons of Elena, or vice versa.. you could also make every icon of Elena if you wish, every icon of Damon, etc.

Artist's Choice: 5 Icons of your choice!

Here is a glitch-free table you can use, or feel free to use your own :)

GeometricUnusual CropBaby BlueDorkyLovers Eyes
B&W on ColorMod's CapEvey_v TextureBetrayalMy Blood





If you have problems or any questions about one of the themes, please comment here and I'll help you ASAP :) GOOD LUCK & HAVE FUN <3


jessswann - Damon & Elena

crucified - Rumpelstiltskin & Belle

babyara - Jax & Tara

nickygabriel - Loki & Thor

lovesmymovement - Rachel & Finn

cherrytargaryen - Zoe & Lemon

bangel_4e - Harry & Hermione

ciaimpala - Spencer & Toby

ladyhadhafang - Luke & Darth Vader

darkpalace - Lucas & Peyton

sleepless84 - R & Julie

punk4life1315 - Derek & Stiles

cuethe_pulse - Edward & Bella

leavingubehind - Glenn & Maggie

universically - Sherlock & Watson

bluedreamer80 - Edward & Vivian

iconsoleander - Daniel & Kate

likeagoldenring - CJ & Toby

starry_night - Hanna & Caleb

edith_margaret - Martha

carciosef - Ezra & Aria

lorency - Inana & Mal

larmay - Luke & Lorelai

thyla87 - Rose & Doctor 10

info&rules, info: round 08

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