So I am officially a college student again. Classes start on February 27th. Still job searching but I know something will pop up eventually. So yea, today is a hard day, I still can't belive that it's been 3 months....3 months since the most precious thing in my life died. Patrick....I'm doing better lately though. I can sleep at night again, albeit on the couch but hey at least I'm not suffering insomnia anymore. I've done pretty well at not "falling into the bottle". I only drink occasionally now a days, and thats only with my neighbors, I won't drink alone. I still haven't gotten a final autopsy report, thats really annoying, I really want to know what happened and I want the rest of my sons things back but I can't get them back until they get a final autopsy report. *tear* oh well, I know that as soon as they know I'll know. Anyways, going to go to the cemetery later today and put some flowers on it. Well, talk to ya'll later. Luv ya.