Secrets and Friends. Friends and Secrets.

Mar 25, 2005 19:45

Oh joy of joys.

I have, in part and perhaps without premeditated conscious intention, discovered a little of why I have drifted back to LJ (I had a previous account a long time ago - the user name (and no doubt password to) which I have forgotten)

In forgetting my own log-in name, some of those I conversed with, walked alongside with light cyber steps - well, their names I have remembered and popped out to see if they're still about. How I laughed and commiserated as I caught up on their lives.

A 'Good' Friday it is indeed :-)

And in surfing around, trying to clarify why I have returned to this cyber-space, my mind has concluded that it is because my life seems to be overflowing with 'secrets'. In every direction at the moment, it seems I am holding confidences for people - and a few for myself.

I don't necessarily want to spill them all over LJ but there is a sense of just wanting to be able to let some stuff out.

Of course, now I've written that my mind freezes at the idea of spewing forth anything at all! *rolls eyes*   *grins*

Okay, so I can say some things but to others, I will appear to say nothing...
  • I'm back to playing the Stock Market and bugger me, I'm doing WELL! (subject to change *grin*)
  • I'm in partnership with a rather wonderful soul (this is in a business context!) and we're about to launch a phenomenal 'business' - better and, to be truthful more honestly, phrased 'free service for our community'
    I want to explode with delight. We've set this great venture up, made it completely free and better still, no-one will know it's us!
    It's just something we've wanted to do for ages and suddenly it's all fallen into place.

Right, sorry. I'll stop the riddles but it's logged here now and to be honest, even writing that and fundamentally giving so  little away, it still feels wonderfully cathartic :-)
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