The Long Weekend or "Where's My Phone?"

May 30, 2007 06:24

As I was leaving Glendale on Tuesday morning, I realized I had left my phone behind at Rachel’s… or at least I thought I did… I knew I didn’t have it on me. Anyway, despite not planning on going back over there last night, I dropped by to search for my phone… it turned out to be in my bag, so the whole exercise was a bit silly in the end, but hey, I got a kiss or two out of it and was on my way,

I could tell Rachel was actually happy about that. Obviously, not in the “oh, to be rid of him!” sort of way, but more like the, “I haven’t had a waking moment to myself in days” kind of way, which I can understand… I was looking for the same thing. Unfortunately, I had to come home to a roommate who claims to speak for my cat, and her TV filled lifestyle.

Rachel reminds me of the way I used to live, before the roommate days. I watched less TV then, read more, worked on my business more, etc. etc. I was able to play quite well on my own. The extra cash for rent is nice, but sometimes I would love a quiet house… or at least someone living here that was more like me I suppose.

I watched House and then tried to go to bed early to read, but was called back by a friend at Paramount who had duped me into thinking she had big breaking news. By the way she was hinting over IM earlier that day, I thought my company was in the last throws of getting purchased by her company, but no… she just found out that someone that worked with me was going over there, which I knew already. The rest of the conversation was quite forced after that.

Rachel and I had a wonderful, long weekend together. Friday we returned to Karaoke and had a ball, even if it was just the two of us. We encountered some of the Winchester Regulars who were interested in meeting me… “The Winner”, as I was being called… I almost wished I had won her in a jousting match or something to dignify the title, but alas, it is still a title I take gladly given the company I get to keep lately. Funny how when you find someone who is just enthralled with you (and vice versa) because you’re so wonderful, but you find yourself saying, “but its just me… I’ve been like this all along!” Just goes to show how random all of this can be.

Saturday we took a six mile hike through Topanga State Park… lovely walk, although the break I needed at one point may have indicated that I was ill suited for the activity because Rachel felt she needed to explain how she was a walker, and then did so again on Tuesday when we were talking about going to the Los Feliz Street Fair next Sunday and how we could walk it, but take the bus back if we liked… What was getting me that day was the constant incline on a couple of parts, not the walk itself… I run as far as both treks many times over in a week’s time on my regular runs… just not uphill for long portions of it. Oh well.

That night we had aimed to go out to a Cemetery Screening, but post clean-up, we laid down for a rest and promptly sacked out for a couple of hours. We settled for Thai around the corner and a movie that Rachel AD’d on instead… just as nice if you ask me.

Sunday, I spent the morning and part of the afternoon writing while Rachel caught up on her sleep and went to the store for a bit. This was for the screenplay project I gave myself, which has now entered the actual script writing phase. I’m through most of the first act, although I need to go back and rework one scene that I feel is a bit chatty after another long scene that I KNOW is chatty. There’s this speech by a major, then by his staff after that… then by the armorer after that, which is the part I want to change. It will probably end up becoming a VO over a montage of soldiers doing exactly what they are being told not to do and being “calked” in the process. Anyway, I’m enjoying the process and what people have read so far seems to be working out.

Sunday afternoon we cleaned up and met with Rachel’s friends, Dana and Jim. This was my second meeting with them, but the first time where it was just us, and we had a great time. We wandered around downtown, bar hoping a bit, then eating at the Liberty Grill. The bonus for the evening was that, thanks to the big Star Wars convention that was down the street, we had a regular parade of geeks in full Jedi and assorted costumes walking by or coming into the places where we were… classic. My favorite was a guy dressed as Barf from Space Balls… I almost walked into the IHOP to buy the guy’s dinner.

Monday morning we slept the booze out of our system, then went to a couple of screenings at the DGA. Georgia Rule was… a mess. As a person who likes movies, I could see it as standard chick flick faire, but as a marketer, I was left wondering who they thought was going to see this thing. Lohan was the cause, acting the way she apparently lives given her show that same weekend on the streets of Hollywood. What they wrote for her was so over the top raunchy in language and otherwise that the people who would usually go to this kind of movie would most likely be offended by it all. The Flock was much better, although quite disturbing in places. I don’t think that one comes out until later this year, but watch for it just the same… worth catching.

I love four day weeks… I love waking up the second day of work and having it be Wednesday already. As a bonus, I will be boss free for the last two days of the week, which is a blessing and a curse right now, given the work being done… no one to harass means no one to approve things either.

Oh, I booked my trip to Scotland! The last two weeks of August. One week around Edinburgh, catching the festival, including Rachel’s play, and then another after that to hopefully see as much of the rest of the country as I can. I’ve never been overseas before, so I’m just giddy with the whole adventure.

It has been a long time since my last post, so I guess this monster is justified… Just remember, the blog is to help tell you all about my adventures, not to keep me from having time for them, so there may be breaks from time to time… I’ll try to keep up though.

Off to my run…


movies, work, relationships

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