Apr 18, 2007 07:39
… I must, I had a dream about a series of them in the waking hours this morning. It’s rare for me to remember dreams at all, so when I do, I pay attention.
What I can remember is me walking out from an apartment block onto a very movie set looking street at night. I must be drunk because I stumble and fall into a set of old, metal, Oscar the Grouch style looking trash cans. The lid of one of them rolls out into the street and into the path of a cycle rider, who somehow can’t avoid the lid, which causes him to lock up and go over the handlebars and into a tree across the street. A group of sorority girls from the house across the street come out in cheerleading outfits (screw you all, it’s my dream) with a ladder to try and get the guy down. In the process, the ladder falls into the street, blocking the path of an oncoming car. The little, yellow car hits the ladder, which gets lodged hard enough in its tires that it stops the car cold, throwing the driver through the windshield and rolling out into the street. The driver stands up, faster than he should given he just flew through a car window, and waves an “I’m all right” wave to me, and then I wake up.
I don’t see a lot of deep meaning here, but it did remind me of a story I wrote when I was in high school about a series of coincidences that leads to the end of the world. I can’t remember all the events, but I know it started with a gruesome telling of a man being killed by his own ice skate blade, which my friend Vito and I thought was very funny at the time (I know, “boys”). What this reminded me of was that, I used to write a lot more.
I’ve already told myself that once I wrap up selling the business and I have a little more time at night, I’m going to give myself a writing assignment. Most likely, I’m going to try adapting a screenplay from one of my favorite books, but I’m still considering which one. A frontrunner is Fahrenheit 451, which I loved since I read it in high school and have been outlining as a screenplay since. The other is a book I need to find the title of again (thank you Rachel for “What’s That Book?”, let’s hope it works!), but has to do with the effects of sub light speed travel on a man’s relationships with his family and eventually his love interest. That one is another throwback to high school reading, hence the loss of the title and author along the way.
Well, thanks to coincidences, I got the last of my tax payments off on time yesterday. This one was for the $800 bend-over-and-take-it tax that the state of California throws at you for the pleasure of doing business in the state as an LLC. Now that Ka Pow Interactive is going to get a lot smaller, I may consider dropping back to being a sole proprietor again to avoid that annual stinger. Anyway, if it hadn’t of been for a little reminder that popped up in something I was reading that yesterday was the last day for taxes, I would have forgotten completely.
As a bonus, I was also mailed off my mother’s birthday present a whole week early. It’s this funny little book of cartoons about cats that Rachel was reading when I found her in a comic shop we were perusing while waiting for the second movie to start (another coincidence!). I doubt I would have remembered to mail it as I got closer to the weekend.
Speaking of the weekend, I’m half way to my trip to Vegas with Rachel. I’m very excited… usually just going at all is fun, but having someone fun to be with there is even better.
My boss has been out of office all week and won’t be back until late Thursday, if at all… I’m doing a half day on Friday to beat traffic, so hopefully our interaction will be brief. After the countdown to Vegas starts the countdown to Coachella!