Jan 22, 2004 04:42
I have soooooooo much good news.
1. My best friend got the guy she likes! (Hook-line-and-sinker!) You go gurl! ;)
2. I got a lot of praise at my award ceremony. (I won Student of the Month at my shool!) *Moose cheers from back of the room!*
3. The guy I like likes me back! Yah! I am contemplating how to go about asking him, but right now I am still happy! YAH!
I go to go. I have homework to do. (Even though I forget the books at school....)
Oh yah I forgot to add this:
Zorak: What's up with the crow?
SG: I think he is trying to tell me something.... what! What about his car?! Up Up and away!
*SG leaves. Zorak and Crow fight. Zorak wins. The guest is hungry. Zorak begins to eat the crow. SG returns.*
SG: Zorak, you are the nicer one, tell the guest he can't have any crow.
Zorak: Ok.
Zorak (to guest): You ain't having any of our F$CKING crow you hungry B@ST@ARD!
lol. Zorak is awesome....