Sep 27, 2007 22:45
Here's the deal: if I do not get a new job soon my brain will explode in a fiery, bloody display of what the retail industry, especially the customer service side of it, eventually does. Earlier while browsing government jobs, I found one suited to my skills which are a high school education, computer knowledge and the ability to greet visitors and "obtain information." Basically, an office job that pays more than the slave wage I currently earn and has a regular 9 to 5 type schedule something I am beginning to think that I might benefit from. So I have to quit smoking and bone up on my MS office. Tonight I downloaded a typing program. I'm rocking it for the most part, but my style of typing involves staring at the keys and I'd like to stop that. My favorite series of words I've typed thus far: Like a steel fist I do the deed; I need no tale; I need no man. I am one.