Jul 01, 2007 23:56
in addition to glossy pages of fashion and makeup, etc, marie claire decided to share with me and article about the founders of Father Daughter Purity Ball and their family. to be completely honest, i've never felt the urge to throw up so many times just by reading something, even with all the breaks i needed to take to keep myself from doing so.
taking a 'purity pledge' isn't my problem. that's something to be proud of. however, a young girl wearing a white dress and 'promising' herself to her father is disgusting and in many ways disturbing. fathers "sign an agreement as the 'high preists of the home' to be their daughters 'authority and protector in the area of purity.'"
the idea is that a girl avoids boys all her life until one decides to ask her father if he can 'court' her. from there on, the father and said boy meet every few weeks so that the father can explain his daughter and "help them be a success." how is that not disturbing? if you were dating someone and you thought they were perfect and they did all these amazing things only for you to find out that your best friend has been coaching this person and telling them how to make you happy and personal things about you, how would you feel? would you still find that person to be perfect? probably not. in fact, you'd probably be pissed.
in particular, i'm refering to the couple written about in the article who never even held hands before they were married. not only that, the guy asked her father if he could propose only seven weeks into their "relationship." in this situation, a father gives his daughter's heart to her spouse when they are married. the girl is supposed to look to her spouse for leadership and "respond to [him] accordingly", "need [his] strength to function", "want to please [him] like no other". the funny thing to me is, if these people are so religious, shouldn't she want to please God like no other? not her husband (who, i might add, she barely knows).
after this couple's wedding, the girl washed her new husband's feet and annonced that her spiritual gift is serving and she was "here to love [him], follow [him], and serve [him]. i can't even explain how this revolts me.
one thing i've learned in my life is how to live for myself and not another person. there is no one on this earth i would die without. i don't need another person to complete me. this girl's life is to help her husband. how is that not ridiculous? according to this girl, i'm not "whole" because i will be married not a virgin. well according to myself, i'm a hell of a lot more "whole" than her. my life isn't about serving another person. i am not waiting at anyone's beckon call. and i never will be. unless it's my job and i'm getting paid.
i know i've said something to this effect before, but you can have all the book smarts in the world, but without real life experiences, your knowledge is worthless.