Thank you Holly for showing me this, it is now a meme. hehe.
Alright you BHS goers/graduates! Show how much you agree with! Underline what you agree with!
Then repost =P
You know you went to BHS if….
“Celebrity Chef” day was the highlight of your week.
You’ve instinctively responded “4th floor” when anyone mentions a pool.
Walls are on Monday. Simple as that.
You think science labs are supposed to be freezing.
You can finish the following: “Walls, Anything Goes, Skits…”
You either know the school song by heart, or you’ve never heard it before.
You know the difference between a bomb threat and a normal day in school is a gallon of paint.
You know what Project Adventure is.
You've had to tell a complete stranger how to get to the office.
You start to miss Ms. Berry's voice on your days off.
You cringe at the thought of stairs or elevators, and rightly so.
You know mold is just a part of life.
You’ve only met your guidance counselor once, or not at all.
You have an unexplained fear of the color maroon.
TA is a swear.
You've seen The Patriot in Mr. Curit's class about 12 times.
You know to duck for cover if someone comes over the intercom shouting TIGER! TIGER!
You wake up and hear the "Storm Center" music, and you want to go back to bed... but you wait to see that she called it in, just in case.
You can't name all of your Student Council Representatives.
When the fire alarm goes off, you sincerely hope it isn't a drill.
You pay $2.50 for a hot lunch, and still complain.
You've had to get an 'admit' slip from the office three or four times in one day.
You had the privilege of getting a 'new' textbook - from 1972.
You hate the Middle School with a passion.
You break about twenty school policies in a single day, and don't even think twice about getting into trouble.
Ceiling tiles? What ceiling tiles?!?!?
You know the difference between the ‘big’ gym and the ‘little’ gym.
You know there are more trophies in the Tiger Gym lobby than there are textbooks in the english department.