May 12, 2010 01:43
Tuesday night. My right eye is twitching, ugh. I'm struggling with quitting smoking, but overall I think it's going well. I got all the way to Friday night at midnight before I broke down and bought a pack. I had 2 that night, 3 Saturday, and 2 on Sunday. Monday I was clean (and got lots of compliments about the improvement in my complexion :), but today I slipped again and got a pack on my way home.
It was a very stressful day at work, most of it centering around an incredibly complex case. This little dog gets fistulous tracts with every needle prick due to an autoimmune defect. He's become diabetic, and is now in diabetic ketoacidosis. Long story short, he won't live without hospitalization and IV fluids...but the treatment itself could cause him to develop a serious infection from his autoimmune problem. On top of it all, Sniff got sick over the weekend, and I've been worried about him...worried that we'll need to hospitalize him as well, and wondering how to afford it. Luckily, the girls let me go to take care of him, and he's doing much, much better today. Still has diarrhea, but he ate 1/4 can of NF readily for me, and isn't nearly as dehydrated as he was. We gave him more SQ fluids today, and will do some more on Thursday.
I just got back from taking care of our little diabetic guy. Got to try out the "Canine Lullabies" CD that I ordered a week or so ago. I expected it to help, but not as much as it did! He went from anxious, panting, and fussing - to sound asleep on the treatment area floor, within MINUTES. I finished what I needed to do, and he was zonked out in his kennel when I left. Amazing.
Ahh well. Thought I'd get some thoughts out of my head. Gotta go to bed now, tomorrow's an 11-hour day (at least).