Just hanging about the house before I go to work at 1. Then baby-sitting tonight for quite a while. Should make a nice chunk of change. I've got to remember to bring my Wimbledon and Dear Frankie DVD's. I need something to do after I put the kids to bed.
They really are quite cute, even if the 3 year-old is a bit rambunxious. (I think that's how you spell that) And loud. But other than that, they're pretty good. I just wish their huge dog would stop trying to stick it's nose up my crotch. And it's a girl! Methinks that dog suffers from the love that dare not speak it's name. *wink*
It kills me that I'm not really doing anything to celebrate St. Paddy's Day. I mean, I'm half Irish! And I look 100%! But, go out or make money? Hmmm. For the past 4 years, I believe, I've baby-sat every St. Patrick's Day. It's quite funny. And the parents always stay out mad late. And I watch the History Channel (even though they show the same programs year after year) and the SciFi Channel (for the Magical Legend of the Leprechauns mini-series/movie). Yes, I watch the SciFi channel! They got Ghost Hunters too.
Did anybody else watch The West Wing? OH. MY. GOD. I'm gonna have a heart attack! Josh and Donna kissed!! Of course I knew it was gonna happen (hello, Spoiler Queen here), but it was still soooo good to see. Now, I just want them to wrap it up and get together. Finally! Please. Before the series ends. But I think they'll get a happy ending.
Now, since I'm not going out, I need all of you to! And drink a pint of Guiness or Harps for me as well. I don't think the father of the kids would appreciate it if I nicked a beer from the fridge.