Oct 11, 2004 01:43
Well It's official my birthday since it's after midnight and now the 11th! I'm no longer a teenager! I'm the big 2-0
!! It's kinda weird but SO exciting at the same time. I'm excited 'cause 20 sounds more mature than 19, and I want the respect I deserve as an adult. I don't always get that, and I strive to get it everyday. Now being 20, maybe I won't be degraded to a lesser mentality since my mentality is many years beyond my age. Age is a state of mind and only a number and I wish more people would realize that. Now don't get me wrong, I can act like i'm 12 sometimes lol, but that's when the kid in me comes out. Everyone has that. Me and my friend Jimmy had a conversation last night about age and everything. He's 33 and he asked me why I want to be older...I said it's not that. I just want to be respected as an adult all of the time. Of course I can still be the silliest person you'd ever know...but at the same time I can be the most mature 20 year old you've ever met too. Anyway, enough about age.
Friday night my mom had a halloween/my bday party. It was pretty fun. My grandparents bought me a video cam for my bday, so I went and picked it up from best buy on friday and I video taped the party. Mom gave me my birthday card on friday and it was really beautiful. I almost broke down when I read the names at the bottom....Mom, Michael Jr., and Buffy. No daddy. Another realty check that hit me in the face. I mean I know he's gone, but it's things like that where you really realize it. I broke down later that night before I went home.
My friend Rachel emailed me last night and told me that she's still interested in being roomates down in Nashville! I'm really excited about that!! Although she said that she's moving next month, but she's moving in with some cousins that live in Franklin...then she hopes to move out on her own by early next year. So, she's not sure where she'll be in the summer when I told her I'd be ready to move. I just want to have at least 4 or 5 thousand saved by the time I get ready to move, and I told her that if I have that saved by January or February...or whenever she decided to get a place on her own, then I'll definitely consider moving then. The only other thing that's keeping me from moving that early on in the year is getting my press kit together. I need to get my demo recorded, a photo shoot done and all of that before I head out there. I want to have that to take with me, so yeah hopefully things will work out.
Nashville star is going to have another season. I went on thier website yesterday and saw the announcement!! I can't wait til they post audition dates. I've already decided that I'm going to sing "Crazy" Accapella if that song is on the list. If it's not, then I don't know what song I'll decide to audition with. I just want to sing something that really showcases my rage. Crazy does that for me, so I hope it's on the list. I HOPE I have some success with NS3 and possibly make it on to the show. Even if I don't make it into the top 11 or 12 and just make it on to the show, I'd be satisfied 'cause that would give me some publicity AND possibly some work...like jobs to open for people and stuff. It really helped my friend Rachel.
Alright well I have some things I need to do before I go to sleep, so goodnight lj land.