(no subject)

Nov 23, 2004 23:50

Your Boobies' Names Are: Mork and Mindy

Get your own Boobie Names

It's Not Sex. It's ... :
Drilling for Oil

Get your own Sex Name

You Are a New School Democrat

You like partying and politics - and are likely to be young and affluent.

You're less religious, traditional, and uptight than most Democrats.

Smoking pot, homosexuality, and gambling are all okay in your book.

You prefer that the government help people take care of themselves.

What political persuasion are you?

Umm.... half true I guess.... except for the religious part... but i believe in choice... and freedom... something some republican minds *coughbushcough* dont like for some reason??

Ok so no more depressed songs... I will start with last weekend...

I worked Friday, then went home and then went back out to eat with Esten at Applebee's... it was a good time... then yea went home, Esten came too... we just chilled and stuff, then he left at like 3 and I went to bed... next day woke up late for work... finnaly got to work like 20 minutes late... after rushing outta bed 5 min before I was supposed to be there... worked all day, got home... was sick kept losing my voice all day, and finnaly went to Beetle's and went home and slept cause I felt reaaalllyyyy sick. On Sunday I worked til 8....gheeeyyyy! Then came home and crammed all my homework in. Monday, nothing outta the ordinary I don't think. Today I had my placement test... chose the wrong math test... it was toooooo hard... and i successfully failed it... and guessed on EVERYTHING.... soo double gheeeyyy! Then yea came home chilled here.... read some more cosmo... and then me and Kelly went to the mall... met up with Shana, and drove around forr 2 1/2 hours and met up with some other random people.... it was a pretty good time....
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