Nov 02, 2004 17:22
ok well it started off me just sitting in my street talking to my nextdoor neighbor. then my phone starts ringing and it is michael!! he said that him and a group of friends were going to the mall to see a movie and wanted to know if i wanted to come, and of course i did i mean comeon it was michael. i got there and like i felt so bad cause he paid for my ticket and it was sooo sweet but i told him he didnt have to do that and he was all like ya i do, neways. we got in the movie and just sitting there watching the movie start. and then very first scene a guy jumps off this building and dies(oh ya we went to see the grudge and it was soooooooo scray) and then somethin else happend at the start that scared us and he put his arm round me!!!!!!!! i was like flipping out cause i was soo happy. so the whole movie went on with his arm round me and like holding me and stuff and everythin somethin popped out he would like squeeze me it was great lol. i didnt want the movie to end cause i just wanted to stay there in his amrs but it ended and i was so sad. after the movie though i felt so out of place cause all his real popular friends were there and i felt like i wasnt good enough or pretty enough for him. it was totaly an insecure moment. so that is how monday went and only the ppl who know my lil secert r the ones who know how excited i was!!!!!