Jun 24, 2008 21:44
It has been a real wet Spring, beginning of Summer. I hope this does not mean that it will be a humid Summer, I don't know if I can take that. Today has been a horrible day, one of the people I have worked with the longest was Suspended. He works in a different unit, and I don't know if it was personal or professional misconduct, but nobody is talking, not even the people who I thought would be gossiping. The Deputy came down and escorted him out of the building, they took all of his equipment, he can't get in the front door. This has only happened when someone was arrested, and then we never saw them again. This time he is suspended for 30 days without pay, then he can come back. Who the hell would want to come back after all that. Just think of it, all the questions, all the side glances. I really need to know what happened. I think by the end of tomorrow everyone should know, people cannot keep their mouths shut for one second. Can it be that bad?